Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your Mama Hears...

...that 22-year old Formula One racing heiress Petra Ecclestone, the proud new owner of showbiz widda Candy Spelling's puffed-up palace The Manor in Los Angeles, CA, not only spent an astonishing $85,000,000 to purchase the approximately 55,000 square foot mega-mansion in the Holmby Hills area but apparently plans to spend many millions more on an interior renovation of the distended multi-winged residence.

In fact, according to an informant we'll call Anita Tellyouathingortwo, there are as Your Mama types our fat fingers to the nubbins "20 truck loads + of Spelling tile, carpet and other finishes are on their way to the landfill." That's right, dollies, the ink is barely dry on the deed's dotted line and Miss Ecclestone has already brought in the demolition man tear out at least some of the interior spaces of massive high-maintenance mansion.

It is both paralyzing and–let's be honest butter beans–not such a shock at all that sassy and brassy Miss Ecclestone would not want to keep Miz Spelling's opulent but matronly day-core. Your Mama, who has never been withing five miles of Miss Ecclestone, imagines she might prefer something more authentically English–all mis-matched chintz, chipped Chippendale tea sets and ruffles a-go-go–or something more contempo that befits a barely legal parvenu with an obvious thing for unrestrained real estate consumption.

In addition to her wee landing pad in Los Angeles, Miss Ecclestone also, according to multiple previous reports an discussions, owns a huge and historic mansion in London that she bought last year for somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000,000, unquestionably with dough-re-mi provided by her diminutive billionaire big-daddy Bernie Ecclestone.

Your Mama could work our way through a case of gin and 50 pounds of candy and still come up plum loco trying to figure out why a 22-year woman would want or feel she needs a 123-room house that she will likely not even occupy full time but if Your Mama has said it once we've said it 917 times too many that there's nothing but futility in attempting to figure out the wacky ways of filthy rich and/or famous folks.

photo: Pacific Coast News


Anonymous said...

After all the chatter and seeing pictures of Petra's other home interiors.. I imagine this house will be epic in lines with current style patterns.. clean, sophisticated, sexy... making us all drool! Can't wait!

Dayum! Petra has the money, the cash, the house(s), the body, and the men! Dayum!

lil' gay boy said...

Even the aerial shot is "Dynasty" (or as we used to say, "Die Nasty") ––– like buying real estate through a well-vaselined lens...

Anonymous said...

The Marie Antoinette of our times.

Anonymous said...

I recall reading in some UK paper online that she got some of the money to buy the place from another relative, not just papa. So evidently she had to more or less "put together" the 85 million. Not all from papa.

Joshpdx said...

I hope someone carjacks those trucks on the way to the landfill. It would be a shame for all of those materials (tile/marble/granite/stone, carpet, and so on) not to be recycled.

Anonymous said...

Somehow this house reminds me of a corpse jackknifed into a suitcase that is too small to hold it. Or perhaps, even more oddly, the Magritte painting of Madame Recamier where instead of reclining on the sofa as she does in the David painting of her, it is her casket that reclines on the Empire style chaise lounge. Just sayin'.

Cecil Colby said...

I can imagine that much of the home needs to be re-freshed. Like the 80's themed, tile bathrooms, carpets, repainted and maybe even a completely new, industrial kitchen.

I would love to see the end result with some before and after pix. I smell an AD spread this time next year.

Personally, I'd love to meet Candy over drinks and pick her brain on Hollywood dish. I'll bet she knows it all.

tovangar2 said...

I'm with Joshpdx. I hope all the stuff that's demoed out of the Manor at least ends up in a salvage yard.

Anonymous said...

daddy might be going to jail. spend it fast.


Anonymous said...

i just find this so absurd. a 22 yr old unemployed trust fund baby with 185 million in combined real estate that she owns- by ways of daddy and mommy- mom is the one who ponied up the moolah for the la home. even in this economy- the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us.... well were s.o.l. blue collar america can forget living the "american dream". it's over for us.

gurlplz said...

Go Petra!! She's young, rich, incredibly spoiled, and gorgeous to boot. I think most of us are all a bit jealous of her (self included!). And Lawd knows that sterile old place needs a makeover b-a-d-l-y.

Anyhow, kudos to her! If you've got it, flaunt it!

Eric@URP said...

I'm just curious how the conversation goes when you ask your dad for an $85,000,000 home.
Do you try to swing it as a "business opportunity", do you pout a lot, compare yourself to other trustafarians, or simply demand that you'll appeal to the other trustees?

Anonymous said...

Pretty good take for a former Hollywood call girl. And I don't mean Petra.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:08. These aren't Americans. They're Eurotrash. And if you'd stop reading blogs and get your ass to work, and to the voting booth, maybe you could change your life and your attitude.

Unknown said...

Well, she hit the under on length of time to start the remodel in my pool. Next up, length of time to complete and total cost? Typical interior cost 10% of purchase price, I can imagine she spends more since she is such a vapid piece.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Petra's anything close to "gorgeous," but as they say, beauty's in the eye of the beholder.

As for the renovation, here's hoping for an AD spread.

Lady J

Anonymous said...

Mama - I hope the candy is Sees!

hippie canyon said...

Die Nasty is so right. You could fill this house with the best of the best, in absolute flawless taste. And at some point, you'd still have to walk back outside, look at your home, and realize that you now live in what would be very appropriate for, say, the new Liberace Museum Las Vegas. I imagine said LMLV attached to some F'ed up psuedo-French hotel (done up in black glass) from the head A-hole of Vegas himself... Mr. Wynn. But I digress. The House of Spelling has not one redeeming quality. None.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:34. Who said anything about voting, not going to work or reading blogs??? The point made was that these people from overseas are buying u.s. homes like it's candy and many americans have lost their homes or can't afford them. I guess all the readers here are unemployed, lazy, and sore losers by your account because we aren't rich spoiled trust funders. maybe momma should terminate this blog and we can go back to what, excatly?

Cat said...

The Daily Mail ran two interesting reports of where she got the cash. One claimed it was a loan from her mum; the other stated *all cash* came from the interest on the INTEREST of the family's approx. £2.4 billion trust!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday here in paradise, a 51-room botique hotel (read: income producing property) with additional commercial space ON THE BEACH AT DIAMOND HEAD sold for $18.5 mil.

It boggles the mind that Ms.Petra owns ten times that amount in PERSONAL property (LA + London combined)

StPaulSnowman said...

She must have had planners, architects, chintz procurers and designers toiling away sequestered in the family bunker while the rest of us were wondering who actually bought this place. This is truly life in the fast lane. No matter how wealthy you are, you can't shine shit.

Trixie von Trott said...

1st Anon said: "Dayum! Petra has the money, the cash, the house(s), the body, and the men! Dayum!"

The men? ROFL...

Have you seen her fiance Mr James Stunt? Always in his slippers, greasily sliding up next to her like one of those sucker fish that sticks to a larger predator and feeds from the scraps falling out it's mouth.

If that's "the men" then she can have them love! I can't stop laughing, thanks for that xx Trix

midTN said...

Was thinking the same thing Trixie...

Lord, when I googled pics of the Stunt dude a few days ago as suggested by an earlier poster, I about fell off the chair laughing...

...and it was NOT happy hour!

Anonymous said...

Her London home was recently pictured in The Sunday Times [not her new London home, it's being renovated] but the interiors were the exact opposite of what you describe. I was actually pretty surprised, very opulent & sophisticated but a very dark color scheme & the most insane contemporary art collection ... I think the journalist mentioned a piece of art just lying in the corner of the room waiting to be hung or something along those lines & it was a Damien Hirst she had just got for her birthday or something ... just crazy.

As spoiled as they are they never actually come across as spoiled, they always seem very down to earth & dare I say it ... normal!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mama, with the rich it is never about need; it is always about want. As in 'I want ALL the money and I want to pay NO taxes.'

Anonymous said...

Bet she spends millions on the re-do....then puts it up for sale after deciding California is not here scene.

lil' gay boy said...

Could Petra be just stupid enough to think she'd ever be able to flip this hot mess? Geez, when I was 22, I was in college...still learning.

But then my daddy was the least lucrative person of all ––– an honest accountant; never "borrowed", "embezzled" or "reallocated" funds ––– and never made any, either. He never even "put a little English" (as the saying goes) on his taxes...

Anonymous said...

This house makes me want to puke.
Hopefully she is getting Candy & Candy to try to redo this mess.

Petra is definitely cute and I would not mind spending a night or a few dozen with her...just not in this place.

FonHom said...

It's a public works program! Stimulus, WPA, make-work, noblesse oblige, whatev...
Thank you Petra!

Anonymous said...

I personally never owned a Porsche 917, Your Mama, but I am commending you on what I view as coincidental writing.

From what I have read, I truly believe Petra's father loves her. I've read Petra is very health conscious and her actions in removing carpet from her mansion is in keeping with other health conscious people when creating a healthy human environment. (no matter how new or how many times carpet is washed and vacuumed it is a health hazard. It's all about the formaldehyde being released.)

Your words, "It is both paralyzing..." and "chipped" (as in: chip wood boards) are appropriate words for bringing subliminal attention to toxicity in construction and furnishing décor items in homes and cars (VW interior gas chambers).

If I was Mr. Ecclestone, I would have done the same. I think his wife turned his decision making into that of a Slavic father.

BTW, both of his daughters are beautiful. I just wished Tamara would quit smoking, if it's true that she smokes. :(

Their Orthodox ethnic neighbour in the Balkans

Dr. Delachambre said...

All Petra needs to do now is start collecting dolls...and she'll be on the express train to Huguette-ville..."A-A-Ahhh-L-L-L-L abo-weird, Ladies and Gentlemen! Sit back and relax as we approach our next stop...in...The Twilight Zone..."

Although, come to think of it, Candy beat her to it on that note (what is it with these people and the dolls?!)