Saturday, July 17, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

All Your Mama's got to say on magician Chris Angel's 22,000 square foot Las Vegas beast is that it looks like the sort of place Ozzy Osbourne and Michael Jackson might live if they were having a homosexual romance.


Your Mama thought this beehawtcha from Jersey was broke–isn't that what bankruptcy means?–and here she is flaunting her forged iron railings and candelabras in In Touch damn magazine.


A week or so ago we discussed and dissected the Beverly Hills, CA mansion listed by Dr. Phil McGraw and his wife Robyn. More recent reports reveal the couple have already purchased a bigger and more expensive French Mediterranean style mansion.


The New York City apartment of late, great buck toothed opera singer Beverly Sills recently hit the market with an asking price of $6.995. The 4th floor 3-bedroom spread is located in the much ballyhooed Beresford building where Jerry Seinfeld and his family live.


Celine Dion is one of the richest ladees on earth, so why do contractors on her new water park / estate in Jupiter Island, FL have to file liens on the property in order to get paid? We're not suggesting she's out of money–she is most assuredly not–but maybe she needs a new check writer.


That '70s Show actor Danny Masterson says he was duped by a developer to the tune of $3,200,000.


Is Lady Gaga goo-goo for the Hampton? Her mouthpiece says she ain't, but other sources swear she's done leased a place for the summer.


  1. If I were Criss Angel, I wouldn't be bragging about having decorated that house.

  2. Criss Angel: "This is all me, I didn't have any designers." I think I speak for all of us when I say WE BELIEVE YOU.


    Their tacking furnishings may be sold as they've been caught hiding can only hope.

  4. "great buck toothed opera singer"
    Weak, very weak.

  5. A nice collection of celeb real estate weekend news, thank you Mama. I found this article about Criss' new house, complete with a 77 slide pictorial tour - convincing evidence why what's in Vegas should stay in Vegas.

  6. I think this is a particularly strong day myself. So many goodies. Beverly Sills lived on the fourth floor. LET'S HERE IT FOR THE FOURTH FLOOR!! I live on the fourth floor. I love it because it has views right into the trees. Clouds and trees. Any higher, and it's just clouds. Air plane views are over rated. They never change. A dove pooped on the terrance rail last week. Does that happen on the 20th floor? I don't think so.

  7. I mean hear. Oh lord. Wine and diazepam time.

  8. I know I'm tardy to the party, but Criss Angel's house blew my mind. "Crucified Jesus, embellished by drops of Mr. Angel's own blood puddled on the floor below"? No. Just No. Wallpapered in fake 100 dollar bills? Lawd have mercy. Ten fountains in the middle of the desert? Should be illegal. Last question: who pays 12 million for a house in HENDERSON?? In the weakest housing market ever, to boot. Way to make your money disappear into thin air, Mr. Sarantakos.

  9. I have to disagree with the first anan at 8:20 -- That investigative piece on the Monroe house wiretap set-up was worthy of the Washington Post in its bell-bottom glory days (had the Editor-in-Chief been Tennessee Williams, especially). If Jonathan Gold can get a Pulitzer for food criticism (they never gave them for that...till they did), I'm hoping there might be a shiny trophy on our Mama's mantel one day, too. "For Excellence in the Field of Real Estate Reportage"!

  10. Good God Mama works on the damn weekend and the children jump all into her jacuzzi "weak, weak , weak".

    Oh, the ingratitude!

  11. Teresa Guidice has got some nerve showing off that mess of a mansion. I hear they're auctioning off the contents inside it next month though...I hope Danielle shows up to the auction and buys something lol! Or even better flips a table and screams at Teresa "You foreclosure whore!!!"


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