Friday, July 30, 2010

New Digs for Dr. and Missus Phil

BUYER: Phil and Robin McGraw
LOCATION: Beverly Hills, CA
PRICE: last listed at $29,500,000
SIZE: 15,000 square feet (approx.), 5 bedrooms, 9 full and 2 half bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Anyone and everyone who pays any attention to the real estate machinations of celebs and other high profile peeps already knows that talk show titan Dr. Phil McGraw and his decoratin' demon of a wife Robin recently listed their lavishly done Beverly Hills, CA mansion with an asking price of $16,500,000.

Soon after that tidbit found its way to the surface another juicy nugget came bubbling up out of the celebrity real estate gossip tar pit. Even though The Good (Not A Medical) Dr. and his wifey Robin had yet to unload their mock Mediterranean beast in Beverly Hills they'd already snatched up a newer, bigger, and more expensive monster mansion high in the hills above Beverly Hills.

As soon as Your Mama heard the Mister and Missus McGraw were moving we immediately imagined them moving into something even larger and more grand than their current home because, well, we always suspected that the tough talking celebrity psychologist and his book writing wife were real estate size queens. And sure enough, Mister and Missus McGraw's new mansion, according to previous reports and listing information, measures in the neighborhood of 15,000 square feet and includes 5 bedrooms and 9 full and 2 half poopers in the main house and another 1 bedroom and pooper in the detached guest house above the garage.

The very privately situated property sprawls across more than 3 acres of rugged hillside terrain high in the hills behind Beverly Hills and was last listed on the open market with an asking price of $29,500,000. A massive motor court with a spitting fountain in the center sits at the end of a long gated driveway and separates the main house from the detached garage and guest quarters.

Listing information shows that proportionally odd and squat looking mansion, which listing information called a "romantic European villa," includes a two-story entrance hall with sweeping staircase–natch–drawing room, formal dining room, library game/media room, and a kitchen/family room complex. If the couple's previous estate is any indication of what's to come, Your Mama expects that Missus McGraw will work over the vast interior spaces into an over-stuffed frenzy of faux-Tuscan extravagance mixed with glittery nouveau riche excess.

All four of the family bedrooms are, according to listing information, located on the second floor and each has a private pooper. In addition to dual poopers, the second floor master suite has a private sitting room and terrace. Given that in their previous house Mister and Missus McGraw each had lavish poopers and dressing rooms that combined are probably larger than Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter's entire house, we imagine that they'll be creating a suite of poopers and dressing rooms equally as large and over the top dee-luxe in their new house.

A deep loggia with outdoor fireplace, terra cotta tile floors, and brick groin vaulted ceiling runs along a portion of the back of the house and steps down to an expansive back yard with flat lawn, swimming pool, and a panoramic city lights view. Over behind the garage and guest house is a sunken and lighted tennis court.

After it became public knowledge that Mister and Misssus McGraw were on the move, Dr. Phil–or his mouthpiece or some secret source or something–claimed that they were decamping for new digs because they wanted something a little larger to better accommodate their growing family. As far as Your Mama knows Mister and Missus McGraw's family currently consists entirely of two sons–one unmarried and another who's hitched to a gal who bared her naughty bits in Playboy–and one grandchild. We're not sure why their old 11,036 square foot house wasn't sufficiently large enough to accommodate their family of six–it has 8 bedrooms and 7 poopers plus a 2 bedroom guest house, after all–but such are the wacky real estate ways of the rich and famous.

listing photos: Coldwell Banker Previews International


Anonymous said...

Mamma, don't you adore the fawns, or hyenas, or whatever, frolicking in the motor court fountain? I do.

Anonymous said...

Another great news item this week, Mama! You are the best!! Having watched this house built in the past couple of years, it seems so stark and barren. Maybe the McGraws can make it feel more homey, but given the flat roof, hot sun, dusty hillside (dirt always a blowin'), and the nouveau riche decor history of the McGraw's Lexington Rd house, I am not optimistic. Some may know this house's road as the road (drive) on which Ricky Martin used to have his digs. Now that is a gorgeous house! For a "psych" "doctor", you would think Dr. P would want a house that creates a home that nurtures the pscyhe; this house appears a challenge to make a comforting home. But, it has a hilltop view unlike Lexington Rd.

Looking forward to next week!

StPaulSnowman said...

"McGraw overpays for McMansion"............ enough said

E.J. said...

Very small grounds for a house that big. And the property records indicate 27,000 square feet. Kind of fugly in my opinion but I'd still take it as part of my shallow personality.

E.J. said...

Oh, yeah, forgot. The house was owned by George Santo Pietro, the restaurateur/husband of Vanna White...

Anonymous said...

Although this is at least an ARCHITECTURAL gem evocative of Venice, and I mean Italy not Dennis Hoppers' Venice.

A few years of Trees and Vines and Rains...well it will age with a patina that will whisk one away to Asolo. No matter what furnishings are introduced, it will stand the test of time if not torn down.By the way, the GEORGE WASHINGTON SMITH home of yesterdays post was stripped of almost all original details - with the right buyer, can be taken back to its former state of BEAUTY.

I think the Dr. and Wife have graduated...let us hope their entourage of decorators and landscapers have too.

E.J. said...

Sorry for the dis-jointed multi-response but I have issues. Mr. Vanna White seemingly built this house originally as a spec house and originally put it on the market for around $50,000,000 if my notes are correct. Also, Prince rented the house in 2008.

angie said...

E.J. I believe you're confusing this home with the one Prince rented in Beverly Park.

It's hard to tell for sure and I don't have the time to find this at the moment, but it looks to me like it's surrounded by acres of concrete instead of a yard with a narrow strip of grassy area for a back yard. And such a cold, lifeless facade. For the money they paid, they could have done a lot better imo.

BTW, this may come as a shock to some, but the actual homes in Tuscany don't look anything like the faux Mediterranean McMansions threatening to overtake the country.

Mike said...

This is not George Santo Pietro's house. His is at 77 Beverly Park:

Anonymous said...

EJ, it is not the Prince house. So someone tell us a street name please! It is not in Beverly Park. Is it perhaps off Coldwater?

lil' gay boy said...

For those who are interested, the relatively new construction can be seen here; the listing is here.

Not only is he a real estate size queen, but methinks the good "doctor" can finally yell, "I'm king of the hill!"

Anon 11:33, with enough vegetation even a Quonset hut will take on some charm; but the off-scale proportions and wacky fenestration cannot be concealed. The entry façade looks like someone claiming to be an architect took an International style structure and slapped on some "Mediterranean" elements & fleshed it out with some balancing wings. Given the restrictions the hilltop site must have imposed, it's just not a very successful composition.

A little less pretension & a little more finesse might have pulled the whole thing together; the location & views are stunning, and I suppose being inside looking out would be less upsetting to the stomach.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the "doctor" was tired of living wedged in between other ugly houses just like his. Also, could be tired of the construction noise from the two hideous monsters being built behind him for the past three years.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but this house looks like a mental institution to me which is kind of ironic considering the owner

Anonymous said...

Ugly house for an ugly man.

Ever asked any of his staff how well he treats them? Or anyone around him?

Jeannified said...

I haven't even read the post yet, (though I will, immediately following MY post) and I'm thinking, "Does his ego REALLY need this?!" Ugh! Nice place, though lots of cement. Those fawns too...what to think, what to think!

Unknown said...

it really and truly bothers me that this shill makes this kind of coin. jude judy too. worthless human beings.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that this douchebag charlatan can afford a $30 million mansion.
My father is a real doctor, a surgeon and he can't afford a $30 million mansion.
This country is jacked up.
It's values are retarded.

E.J. said...

I was totally incorrect with my postings... sorry. Weird place for Dr. Phil to move; kind of a winder getting up from Benedict to the house. I'm not sure which poster mentioned it but it's up on Davies north of Cielo. Kind of a funky neighborhood in my opinion. But again, I'd take it, because I'm shallow...

Anonymous said...

More pictures here.

Georgette said...

Anon 11:33: Evocative of Venice? I've been to Venice, I've lived in Venice for months at a time, I've walked all over Venice, and this is no Venice, not CA nor IT.

luke220 said...

No one has commented that it is Sharon Tate's street.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a 1920's apartment house, except most of them were more attractive. Window placement is strange and ugly.

To Anon 2:47 - I don't know how he treats his household staff but he and I go the same doctor and some of the staff there have been less than kind.

Anonymous said...

The house is at the end of Davies Drive; I'll just say the 1400 block. Check Bing Maps - Birdview.

Tate died in a house on Cielo Drive that has a new house on it - Med' style, of course, with a large dome on it. The "Tate" house remained for mannnny years (decades), then was bulldozed, new owner began the current house, then stopped along the way, and then current owner altered and improved the house to its current state. Was in A.D. not long ago - maybe a year ago?

Anonymous said...

I hate the writing style of this blogger!

Anonymous said...

Well I (and thousands of others!) love his writing style so there :p

nithinghere said...

Money is NO guarantee of taste, and this once again is sad proof.

Anonymous said...

I built a LEGO house like that when I was 9. Didn't like it then. Still don't like it now. And what's this, 25 million smackers and no pool ? I can't imagine Dr Phiz cooling his heels (and his wallet) in the fountain pond while sharing it with those skinny looking greyhound rat-dog statues ? Maybe the jacooozey's big enough ? Strange taste some people have.

NatashaRochel said...

I don't understand why everyone is so jealous and hateful! The man is a successful psychiatrist and a wise man. He has earned his money and he can spend it anyway he likes. The's the problem with the people in this country! They think a lifestyle is to be handed to them instead of going out and earning one!! I'm sure if someone handed these people complaining 30 million dollars they wouldn't be saying a word!!

Anonymous said...


I agree with you. Everyone is so jealous. He is a DR.Phill