Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nancy Daly's Estate Lists Los Angeles Area Homes

SELLER: Estate of Nancy Daly
PRICE :$57,000,000
SIZE: 12,785 square feet, 8 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: If the children will put on their thinking caps and go back to February of 2008 when Your Mama heard from a number of our better connected sources that word on the real estate gossip grapevine was that philanthropist Nancy Daly–the estranged wife of former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan–had done sold her massive Malibu mansion for around $50,000,000.

A month later, now retired L.A. Times celebrity real estate high priestess Ruth Ryon reported that Miz Daly had sold her behemoth beach house to a couple of very rich Canadians for not fifty million bucks but a bone chilling $68,000,000.

As it turns out, both Your Mama and Miz Ryon were wrong, wrong, wrong. Well, mostly wrong. We can't confirm this, which makes it just rumor and gossip of course, but Your Mama did hear from someone in the position to know–and we presume Miz Ryon heard the same thing also from a reliable informant–that the huge house was being shopped around by a couple of big name brokers and that there had indeedy been a deal thisclose to being done on Miz Daly's ocean front dwelling. However, the jaw-dropping deal died and in the end the residence remained in Miz Daly's property portfolio.

What Your Mama did not know at that time was that Miz Daly had solid and sound reasons for wanting to lighten her real estate load. See puppies, in October of 2009 Miz Daly succumbed to an unfortunate and nasty battle with pancreatic cancer, one of the more virulent and painful ways to go we're sorry to say. Miz Daly died, according to her obit in the L.A. Times, "in St. Louis while traveling back to Los Angeles from New York City in a motor home with her three children." It sounds a little undignified for a woman of Miz Daly's stature, but according to her daughter it was quite okay since she was able to spend her last days and moments with her children.

Now, some six or so months since her untimely passing at the not exactly ancient age of 68, the estate of Miz Daly–presumably controlled or at least heavily influenced by her 3 children and 5 grandchildren–has officially hoisted her major manse in Malee-boo on the market with a blistering and billionaires only asking price of $57,000,000. That's right chickens, fifty seven million smackers, a number large enough to make Your Mama hyperventilate and start in on the gin & tonics before 11 in the a.m.

According to listing information, Miz Daly's beach digs measure in at a mammoth 12,785 square feet and include 8 bedrooms and a dozen poopers. Although our seriously superstitious and demanding house gurl Svetlana would require at least 1 full time terlit gurl to assist her with 12 damn poopers, she would at least approve of Miz Daly's restroom restraint that stopping at twelve rather than an unlucky 13 lavatories.

Miz Daly cobbled her property together over a number of years until finally snagging almost three-quarters of an acre and 180 feet of beach frontage on Carbon Beach, the most coveted, glammy and insane expensive stretches of sand in all of Malee-boo. Miz Daly completed her Carbon Beach castle in 2002 ending up with 9 fireplaces, lavishly sized main rooms including a leviathan double-height living room with a disappearing wall of glass, a sport court and a wide stretch of unnaturally green lawn next to the ocean side swimming pool and spa that is protected by a frameless glass wind screen.

From the few photos currently included with with listing information and marketing materials, it appears that Miz Daly and her team of interior designers and nice, gay decorators did the whole place up in tasteful if not exactly exhilarating shades of ecru with bits of blue that mirror, reflect and echo the shimming blue of the Pacific Ocean.

In addition to the large lawn area and the terrace surrounding the swimming pool, deceased Miz Daly's weekend retreat also comes equipped with a sport court, a couple of balconies and terraces located off guest suites and a deep and wide terrace on the second floor that is accessible either through Miz Daly's master suite or by the stone staircase that leads up from the terrace below.

Miz Daly's nearest neighbors include Jeffrey Katzenberg's Gwathmey Seigel designed compound one one side and former Yahoo! CEO Terry Semel's Michael Graves designed digs on the other. A few other big name and bigger money Carbon Beach property owners includes gay gajillionaire David Geffen, prolific action film producer Joel Silver, restaurant mogul Peter Morton (who has relatively recently completed and dee-voon domicile designed by architect Richard Meier), apparel manufacturing mogul Charles Perez, dueling and dee-vorcing duo Frank and Jamie McCourt who paid $27,300,000 in July of 2007 for the John Lautner designed house formerly owned by architecture buff Courtney Cox and her huzband David Arquette.

The children might also find it inneresting that Miz Daly's in-town residence, on posh Peruguia Way in the swank Bel Air section of Los Angeles, is also up for sale with an asking price of $7,900,000. The 5, 205 square foot traditional was formerly owned by the priceless actress Jean Stapleton, otherwise known as Edith Bunker from the savvy, smart and way before it's time satirical situation comedy All in the Family.
According to listing information, Miz Daly's Bel Air crib (above) includes 2 family bedrooms in the main house, each with private pooper, plus a master suite with massive amounts of closet space and two marble poopers. a staff room on the first floor also has it's own terliting facilities and a two-floor guest house contains an additional two suites each comprised of a living room, bedroom and pooper.

The flat and grassy backyard looks out over the Bel Air Count Club golf course and has secret garden areas, a swimming pool and an adjacent cabana with a fireplace, and a children's playground is tucked down a nearly hidden set of stairs.

Miz Daly's nearest neighbors in Bel Air include Hank Azaria and his baby momma Katie Wright, Talia Shire, the legendary Carole Bayer Sager and her entertainment executive huzband Robert Daly–who happens to be Miz Nancy Daly's ex-huzband–and recently widowed Bren Simon who recently listed her beast of a house at a toe curling $50,000,000.

Sources: Joyce Rey (Bel Air) and Chris Cortazzo (Malibu)


Madam Pince said...

Mama, I hate to disagree with you, but I think dying in St. Louis while traveling back to Los Angeles from New York City in a motor home with her three children isn't a bad way to go. She was on an adventure surrounded by her loved ones.

At any rate, I love the homes -- elegant and lovely, but what else would we expect from the late great Miz Daly? The four-footed posse definitely approves.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that these outlandish prices are a combination of outrageous egos and worthless currency.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can get my head around a house that size sitting on the Pacific Ocean. I won't even speculate on the price being to high, low or in-between. It's like trying to conceptualize the Galaxy or Warren Buffet's bank account. Too much for my little pea brain to grasp.

Anonymous said...

it was not planned that way, but the private nurse advised that due to the altitude changes in the private plane, it was too dangerous to fly back , thus the motor home, which turned out to be the "right" move, sad, but good, she was able to visit many childhood places, stop at an ice cream stand she worked at as a young girl, her childhood home, very sad, she was one very very classy the very end.

Brandy. Brandy St.Claire Estates Bev Hills said...

ok so this sweet woman , and she really was, i mean we met a couple times when I was head of catering at one of her parties, now I am starting my own realtiy company in bev hills.... Brandy St.Claire Estates... anyway, I was best friends with Carol Wayne, (think johnny carson , indian girl) well, nancy was just a class act, and that toad who came into her life, yes, you know, governor of los angeles or whatever they call it, truly a scum bag, this woman put up with all of it, that annoying doctor at the end, and then those dimwit kids go list with that little , massage therapist /climber / evildoer(thank you george bush) and that equally evil doer veronica lake look alike who thought she would have a big singing career after her debute at one of the original circ de solie beach performances??? hello, best of luck, but nancy never would have chosen these two... but in the most polite way she would have said no no no........... again, so sad she is gone, it must be that we get our lessons and leave cause those around her still have so much to learn... dont get me started, Brandy St.Claire. and dont any of you NEED TO KNOW TYPES go hacking and trying to find me, read the headlines today....20yrs for computor hacker.......yes

The Architectural Arbiter said...

Her Bel Air residence is just up my alley! I mean grass around the pool, white clapboard, AND blue shutters? OH BOY!

Anonymous said...

Has someone escaped the asylum??? (Ms. Brandy St. Claire)

Anonymous said...

You know you're rich when your Pied-à-terre is a 7+ million dollar hang out in Bel Air.

It's hard to imagine them getting the $57 million unless the Oracle of Oracle decides he needs to expand his collection. For him it's pocket change and he doesn't appear to be bent on donating his billions to charity like Gates and Warren.

Jacaranda Johnson said...

Good Lord Ms. St. Claire! My pet monkey (who by the way, finally passed his real estate license exam!)had to be sedated after he read that comment!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the family needs to sell to pay estate taxes?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the price is unrealistic. Homes NEVER hit the market on this stretch of Carbon. The dude at the end of Carbon looking for $65M better have a rethink now this property is for sale.

Tuhwanna Brawlee said...

Brandy St. Claire, are you hitting the sauce again? because, child, you don't make a lick of damn sense prattling and rambling on, foolishly trying to make other people look bad. It's back to Betty Ford for you B. St. C.

Anonymous said...

Where did all her money come from? Her "estranged" husband? From somebody else? Something she did? I would like to know.

Huked on Fonix said...


Spoken (and spelled) like a true realtard!

Anonymous said...

Trick photography is what is being shown here. No the house is exactly as it is but there are houses on BOTH sides of it and it doesnt sit alone as you would think.And PCH is right in front of the house too. Look it up on map quest etc. NOW, if it was all alone like it appears maybe they could get some of that 57 million for it..but alas...

Brandy St.Claire said...

This is a beautiful home, it took her years to pull all those lots together, she always had the best of taste, that little decorator (oh screw my spelling, you get it) was referred by arnold and maria, but nancy did the choices, he was simply her hand maiden..sorry, there is just nothing bad to say about this woman, its just strange it would end this way, dimwit ex spouse marrys the ex mrs carol bayer sayer-bacharach... and nancy gets that toad, lucky she turned that brentwood pile of crap of his into a show place for him, before she dumped him. anway, yes , if anything is worth 57million, its this property, no sound problems and the enginered slab that fortress is built on will withstand any "The day after tommorrow disaster" much time devoted to good causes, no one like her, how she put up with those around her, god knows, those tacky fiji water people,you would have thought they would have learned something by example, but no, no no, still cheesy, ok over and out, and brandy is not mean, she just has all the dirt, and sometimes it just has to come out, so check out my new office in beverly hills adjacent, and my top agent Mr chowder, we are growing... Brandy ST.Claire Estates,,in memory of my new friends elaine and gig young

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please bless Ms. Brandy St. Claire's heart! Have mercy!!

Blown Off Sunset said...

stay out of the woods, darlings. Tonight's the night the realtors go on a picnic....

Carla Ridge said...

Could somebody please get Ms. Estates another refill of whatever she's drinking? She appears to have gone comatose -- or at least, silent.

Now, darlin' were sayin'? Speak up! We wanna hear more!

Anonymous said...

To B. St. Claire: "debute" like in cahoote, shoote, loote, moote, etc., etc.?

Anonymous said...

Elegant and refined like the lady herself. While 57 million seems like a lot to me, I am sure there is someone who can swing it. As for Miss Brandy St. Claire--my head hurts after reading that incoherent mess. Take a nap and sleep it off. Cocktails and prescriptions never mix well.

Unknown said...

Nancy Daly was the estranged wife of Robert Daly, not Richard Riordan. She was the companion of Richard Riordan.

Anonymous said...

No Karen, she was married to both Daly and Riordan. Read her obituary and just about any other thing written about her.

Unknown said...

god damnnnn thats a spread in the bu.

Anonymous said...

Someone above mentioned that the picture of the Malibu house is a bit deceptive in that it doesn't show that there are houses very close on either side, as well as the fact that the highway is steps from the front door.
Well, you might also want to take a look at the aerial/birds eye of the Bel Air house (635, I think, Perugia Way) because what they reveal is that that place is also steps from the street (yeah, I know it's not PCH but nonetheless no front yard) and, more importantly, it overlooks the parking lot and the tennis courts of the Bel Air Country Club. Think folks exclaiming over points scored, alcoholic goodbyes after dinner, car doors slamming, etc. Now I'm sure there is all sorts of vegetation installed to obscure sight lines and muffle noise but the unavoidable fact is that the house is at a significantly higher elevation than the courts and the parking lot, and thus is a significant negative for the property.

Anonymous said...

Waterpolo coach Tony Theo is dating again. Yes, it's another blonde, model. We do not know her name. Brains? Of course not. Never a requirement for Tony.

Dr. FeelGoodInTheMorning said...

Some of Nancy's art and vases and stuff like that is being auctioned off in April, FYI.

Anonymous said...

I have lived on Carbon Beach for 60 years, and have seen the changes. The Reardons bulldozed 3 huge houses to build their one. (One was my friend's home, Carmen Dragon). I heard Nancy's money built it so she ended up with it after her divorce. Since Larry Ellison has bought about 13 houses, 2 restaurants and one hotel on Carbon, I wonder if he has purchased this house, too. It's true about the listing price of the house at the east end of the beach.