Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Listen Chickens...

Your Mama's trusty laptop computer is giving us the devil today but we're endeavoring to bring you part two of our story about The Carhart Mansion. We apologize for the inconvenience but without the cooperation of our trusty–and apparently sick–laptop our hands are somewhat tied.

UPDATE: We managed to get Part Two of The Carhart Mansion piece out (below), but we very well may be without our laptop for a day or two. We'll keep you posted.


  1. you really need the gin and tonic resistant laptop cover, Mama. It works wonders for me.......

  2. Mama, I'm shaking sticks, waving incense and chanting between gulps of my bourbon & ginger ale for your laptop.

  3. hunny i do have a mac...i wouldn't know how to use a pc if my last drink depended on it. by sometimes even macs go wonky.

  4. Moms, seriously, let's go have a drink...or a bonfire depending on the outcome. My effing laptop has lost its mind. I have no idea if it's on last legs OR if it's just being a huge diva. Last week I started smelling the oddest chemical coming from the left side. Then two days later I hear a tiny puff/fizz sound on the right side and watch the corner of my screen start to burn up! I kept it off for a few days (terrified I was) and guess what? When I finally turned it back on the little effer began "unburning." Yeah! The black burn mark begins to fade. Now I don't know what to think, and consequently am still terrified. At this point I'm a woman on the verge. Did I mention our wireless hasn't been working and that we're constantly poaching from our poor neighbor? Uh-huh, that's been three weeks. You can find me most of the day curled up in a fetal position. Don't even get me started on the cable problems. Happy New Year's my ass.

  5. Get us some pictures of the inside of the Spelling Mansion :)


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