Friday, November 6, 2009

UPDATE: Anderson Cooper

Okay lambs, yesterday Your Mama discussed and dissected the raging rumor racing through that gay streets of New York City that hunky and virtually hairless CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper had gone and bought himself a damn firehouse on West 3rd Street. Property records show that the old Fire Patrol House No. 2 was sold in early September of 2009 for $4,300,000.

Most of the rumors–including the ones repeated by Your Mama–have included some kind of speculation and scuttlebutt about Mister Cooper's possible plans to share the very butch four and some story building with man-friend Ben Maisani, a muscular piece of man candy who co-owns a down and duurr-tee East Village gay bar called Eastern Bloc.

Well chickens, today we received a covert communique from a ladee we'll call Lehteeseeuh Littlebird, a well connected informant who has provided Your Mama with juicy–and accurate–information in the past regarding the real estate doings of celebs. Lehteeseeuh, always so thoughtful and articulate, tweet, tweet, tweeted in Your Mama's ear that our Mister Cooper has in fact shown certain persons photos of the firehouse in question and declared his intention to sell his midtown penthouse apartment on West 38th Street and live in said firehouse downtown. Who Mister Cooper might live with, or not live with, remains a mystery which we imagine is just about how he likes it.

Take that for what you will children, but you should know that lovely Lehteeseeuh has never steered Your Mama down a dead end street nor given us any reason to doubt the veracity of her whispered words.


  1. The Silver Fox is going to be a hen!

  2. This property is commercially zoned. You can't have a residence on it. Some one is lying.

  3. Nice place. The beefy bf will come in handy to protect AC from the inevitable gawkers and stalkers now that the word is out about their new home.

  4. You all really need to clean out your ears and listen!! You CAN NOT live in a commercially zoned property!! This is a flat out lie! To get the property rezoned takes a lot of time, money and the REAL owner not some front has to come up in front of a open zoning board meeting full of people from the community and make a statement as to why they need it rezoned. Do you really think Anderson Cooper would do that if he hid even buying the damn thing? You all really are nuts!

  5. I hope that Ben Maisani is enjoying his fake celebrity based on a fake relationship with someone he's never met. It's nice to know they are using someone famous to promote their skanky bar. It says a lot about their conscience and morals.

  6. The commenter at 4:07 pm seems awfully angry and upset about Anderson's possible new home. Envious of AC's lucky bf perhaps?

  7. Oh, the things that might be sliding down those poles...

  8. 4:35,

    Apparently you haven't seen the photos of Maisani and Cooper together. I really don't know what goes on between them, but certainly they've met.

    As for the commercial re-zoning: do you really think anyone is going to say no to the rezoning? I'm sure neighbors would much rather see a quiet, smart news anchor living there than having the place converted to a nightclub? or something else like that.

  9. The relationship between Anderson and Ben Maisani is very REAL. They are together all of the time and can frequently be seen biking around NYC, not to mention that incredibly lavish vacation they just took to India.

  10. As far as the rezoning is concerned, we're talking about New York City - probably relatively easy to get through.

  11. Won't the public records surface someday indicating who the real owner is, not just the agent?

  12. The prospect of riding Anderson's new fire pole makes the elevator pale by comparison...


  13. Maybe they intend to turn it into a new and bigger gay bar.

  14. @anon 5:49 PM of Nov 6: Not just the India trip, but can we assume the S. Africa trip was another lavish trip since 60 Minutes hasn't shown the piece yet?

  15. Anderson and boyfriend playing firemen dress-up. Mmmmmmmmary, smokin!

    What will Miss Gloria Vanderbilt make of the fire pole at the house warming.

    This is the gayest story ever!

  16. @Anon 4:45 am, it is strange that the mysterious 60 Minutes report that Anderson specifically said he was going to South Africa to do has not been shown yet. Maybe it's still early in the season of the show and it will eventually air, but that was at least 2 or 3 months ago when he first mentioned it. I thought he was using it as a cover for another one of his big exotic trips with Ben.

  17. I find this tip suspect..mostly because this would put him further downtown and away from the CNN offices.

  18. @anon 11:23 Wasn't Ben spotted at JFK going through security with Anderson? Curious that they haven't shown the piece yet? A big expense for CBS to send him there and not show it.

    And her took a week and a half off, too.

    Did Anderson think we would forget he said it was for work?

    60 Minutes usually shows his pieces pretty quickly after he does them, Drew Barrymore, Plumpy Nut, an African trip, shown quickly.

  19. He was spotted in JFK with Ben, but there was no indication whether Ben was there in the airport to say goodbye or was going with him. On his return trip he was spotted with a 60 Minutes crew.

  20. so instead of talking about the poss new home of AC, everyone is just showing how only queens that dish post her?

  21. Anon 5:41, the posh home is very cool, but there's no new news on it yet and as far as we know, the two of them have not moved into the place yet, so there's not much more to say on it.

    On his return trip he was spotted with a 60 Minutes crew.

    Ben could've still been with him, but just not recognized. Anderson was very cagey about what the report was going to be about too, there have been times when he would talk beforehand about what he was going to report. Not the South Africa thing. Suspicious.

  22. It's suppose to be haunted ;)

    "The firehouse has reportedly been haunted by Firefighter Schwartz for more than half a century. As the story goes, Schwartz hanged himself from a steel ceiling rafter in the attic sometime before 1930 after discovering his wife had cheated on him. Since then, his ghost has been known to roll a metal cart across the attic floor when no one is looking and appear in the stairwell, dressed in a double-breasted uniform with badges and a cap."

  23. It is becoming apparent the South Africa piece was not for work.

  24. Hairless? So is that a toupe on his head?? Grey in his 30s and bald in his 40s - pretty lousy luck for someone whose appearance is important for their job.

  25. I doubt Anderson is going bald.

    If Anderson wanted to conceal the fact that he was going to South Africa for pleasure and not business, he never should've mentioned it on Regis and Kelly because now it seems like he deliberately lied about the whole thing.

    When will we hear that AC and his bartender have moved into their very impressive new apartment? For all we know they've already moved in. AC's a sneaky one.

  26. "Virtually hairless" was referring to body hair. He doesn't wear a toupee.

  27. The pieces 60 Minutes contributors are open about ahead of time are celebrity pieces because they don't have to worry about providing a forewarning ruining their ability to make the piece like they do with investigative pieces. There's nothing weird about him not providing details in advance to filming a piece in South Africa.

  28. Supposedly, there is a sighting of Anderson and Ben leaving St. Thomas Church on 5th Avenue at 53rd with a small package, on Sunday (11/8). They arrived and left on their bikes.

    Any ideas what this may have been about? A ceremony of sorts?

  29. Didn't he do some report about a trip to South Africa already...I saw his show not too long ago where he went to different sites in Africa with President Obama

  30. If I were AC, reading these posts would make me a little afraid.

  31. AC's not afraid of his fans, because he's not interested in them in them to begin with. I don't think he pays any attention to what's said on the internet about him.

    Anon 4:01, it wouldn't surprise me if AC and Ben had some kind of committment ceremony, they already seem to be inseperable.

  32. Nothing worse being written here than the usual fan-atics who find Mama's little blog while trolling the web to see what their celebrity had for breakfast this morning. None have been as sad as that crazy Jackie person who showed up here admitting to stalking the guy from House.

  33. stolidog I had the same thougth! honestly, some of you seem too hyper-concerned about his trip to S. Africa- as if there is some government secret that he's covering up just cuz you're worried ass hasn't seen the footage yet. It's never too late to get a life you know.

  34. @8:32 AM: that Africa piece was for 360 and he interviewed Obama.

    He told Kelly Ripa about 3 months ago he was going there for 60 Minutes and mentioned briefly sharks.

    That has not shown yet, and he was there for a week and a half.

  35. I hope he will be visiting Cape Town!


    Construction can start before plans have been filed?


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