Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is Madge Moving On Up To the East Side?

BUYER: Madonna (allegedly)
LOCATION: E. 81st Street, New York, NY
PRICE: $42,000,000 (asking)
SIZE: 12,000 square feet (approx.) 13 bedrooms, 12+ bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: Reminiscent of a London townhouse, this 26-room classic Georgian residence is notable for its extraordinary 57-foot width, making it one of the widest houses on the Upper East side, its 3000 sq. ft. garden bordered by tall trees, rhododendron and roses, and its double-car garage, another Upper East Side rarity. The 4-story townhouse has approximately 12,000 sq. ft. above grade, and offers a 38' by 22' drawing room with tall south windows overlooking the garden, a paneled dining room off the garden terrace, intimate library, 13 bedrooms, 11' ceilings, 9 fireplaces, Georgian staircase, elevator, and future rooftop garden.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: According to the New York Post, the real estate krazy Kaballah Kween is scooping up a big krib in Manhattan and it's a $40,000,000 doozy. The Upper East Side double wide townhouse stands four stories above ground on an expensive but undistinguished block of East 81st Street, an area catty brokers sometimes call the "Far East" due to its location on the wrong side of Lexington Avenue. (That's east of Lexington Ave. for the those ignorant to the snobby nuances of Upper East Side real estate).

Anyhoo, the 26-room Georgian style townhouse is currently owned by the estate of a deceased ladee named Louise Saurel who was clearly a very rich woman but about whom Your Mama has almost no information. The approximately 12,000 square foot house was listed back in October of 2008 when it dropped on to the market a knee buckling asking price of $45,000,000. That huge figure was lowered sometime after the first of the year to a still staggering $42,000,000.

All rumors and reports say that Miz Madonna will be paying in the forty million clam range, which is a bit reckless when considering that no single townhouse has ever traded in the immediate neighborhood for more than twenty million dollars. Plus, according to tattle tales who have been inside the house, the nearby Lexington Avenue subway line can be felt and heard as it rumbles through the tunnels, an unfortunate auditory issue we imagine will cost Miz Madonna a fortune to remedy.

According to the floor plan provided with the listing, the property is essentially two adjacent but separate townhouses. Altogether we count 13 bedrooms, 12 full bathrooms and 2 more half bathrooms, 9 fireplaces, 2 kitchens with 3 pantries, 2 laundry rooms, 2 entrances, 1 elevator and 2 dumbwaiters, at least 36 closets and an exceedingly rare private 2-car garage with direct access to the interior spaces.

Other dee-luxe, super star friendly features include a 836 square foot drawing room that stretches 38 feet long, a couple more sitting and living rooms, two libraries, two dining rooms, 2 Butler's pantries, a wine cellar/grotto in the basement, a 3,000 square foot garden at the back and a plans for adding rooftop garden. All in all, there should be plenty of room for Miz Madonna, her growing litter of multi-cultural children and whatever staff dares to live-in with the allegedly demanding diva.

The layout, while commodious by any standards, is a bit awkward and will likely require a few million more to de-grandma the interiors and bring it up to Miz Madonna's hyper-exacting standards. Presumably, a large chuck of square footage will be devoted to a home gym set up where the exercise maniac can get her sweat on and Your Mama also imagines that the luxe-luvin' ladee is going to have to do something about the lack of a proper master suite. If she were to ring up and ask Your Mama–which, of course, she will not–we'd recommend devoting all or most of the third floor to Miz Madge's private quarters.

One option, as we've presumptuously and crudely illustrated below, might be to use the two rear bedrooms on the third floor for a private sitting room and separate bedroom, incorporate the front bedrooms into a boo-dwar and master bathroom plus a smaller second pooper for whatever man Madge might be entertaining and stringing along. We've added a small kitchenette flanking the dumbwaiter in the master suite and we've joined the two sides of the townhouse in order to utilized the other side as the private gym space which includes a fireplace and dressing area for where Gwynnie can keep her street clothes when she comes by for Pilates and egg whites.
Never one to do things on a small scale, The NY Post article snitched that Miz Madonna is also hunting for an equestrian property to purchase in either Westchester County Long Island. But Madonna's real estate madness does not end there because she's reportedly making noise about moving to the African country of Malawi in order to establish honest to goodness residency so that she'll be allowed to adopt another Malawian bambino named Mercy.

Miz Madonna already owns a trio of apartments in the Harperley Hall over on Central Park West–where she recently did battle with the board in order to purchase third apartment to the two she already had. As far as we know, Miz Madge still owns her two twin townhouses in London (although it's possible Mister ex-Madonna got one or both in the dee-vorce) and a private pad on a pretty and posh part of Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills. What else? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Although listing information currently shows the property is "Under Contract," until her spokes ladee, the tough talking Liz Rosenberg, confirms or denies the purchase we'll have to call all this bizness and brouhaha about Miz Madonna forking over forty million bucks for a new house idle chatter and unsubstantiated gossip. Got that children? It's just a rumor at this point so don't go talking about this like it's gospel.


  1. Nice outdoor space. It has an OK floor plan, but the elevator doesn't service the roof or the lower level. This seems like a lot of money for a "fixer" in the "wrong" area of the UES.

  2. it's all about the garages and the fact that there is no board approval. there are virtually NO houses in Manhattan with garages so you can't be picky about location. subway noixe should not be an issue, she'll cover that up with her screeching.......

  3. Mama......ouch........"de-grandma the interior" I think it has enormous elegance just the way it is. Of course a little more color would help but there is a certain romance about a gaudy pop-culture icon shedding her breast cones and enjoying her maturity in this beautiful home. It is astonishing how much the place costs but, that aside, the proportions are wonderful and it would be a joy to live there.

  4. p.s. Mama......thanks for not dissing the swags and tails!

  5. can't you see the little african chirren playing in that yard!

  6. Beautiful townhouse, gotta luv it. I especially appreciate the huge drawing room with a wall of windows overlooking gardens ~swoon~. It's classic Georgian architectural detailing is also very appealing, and the future rooftop garden will make a scrumptous cherry on top of this piece of real estate cake.

    That said, it's much too expensive, but that's nothing new in celeb real estate news for those who have money to throw away. As for being on the wrong side of Lexington, do townhouses compare on the right side? Probably not many, so good on Madge if the speculation is true for at least placing what she wants in a home ahead of it's snob appeal or lack thereof.

    Lastly, I imagine the garden wall will be first on Madge's list of makeovers. Paparazzi, fan, and stalker proof it definately isn't.

    Thanks very much Mama!

  7. East of Lex..no thanks. 80's? meh She paid a huge premium for a private garage though...

    Would have preferred something in the Gold Coast (60's/70's between Fifth/Madison/Park)

  8. no where else in manhattan will you find a house that big with a huge yard and a 2 car garage - can I get a witness? if that's what somebody wants, they'll pay whatever they have to. As far as the neighborhood, well some folks consider Central Park West crap. It's not as if Madge is going to be hanging out on the streets anyway. Those days are over!

  9. Too bad she didn't have the decency to Buy Detroit instead and help out her home state.

  10. nice to see madonna supporting the real estate market

    42 MM ?

    a bit much when you can now buy studios for 200k in the financial district

  11. East of Park Av is bad enough but East of Lex?

    She still owns her London townhouses. Guy got the Wiltshire estate & the Mayfair pub - she was at her home in London last week when she returned from Malawi.

  12. BTW, get out of here Mama with your bad self and that 3rd floor plan you drew up. A darn good one and so professional looking. Nice job :)

  13. Love that you played with the plan, but i think she deserves at least a seperate room for the pooper instead of beside a glass shower!

  14. There's totally a room for the pooper...and it looks like there's a bidet too.

    The terlit next to the glass shower is for her boy toy...she's got her own private one in the main bath.

  15. This is the one she is buying:


  16. Mama, I don't think she can keep the whole 3rd floor for herself - although that was a lovely plan. But, you see, if she puts a housekeeping couple in the basement - where there are a couple of windows and what looks like a fireplace, and the 4th floor has a bedroom for each of 3 kids, a playroom, and a nanny suite, then she has no room for guests. And considering that she bought an extra house in London for her manager to be next door to her, I'd think she would want at least 1 or 2 guest rooms. And it looks like she can arrange the 3rd floor so they would be separate from her. But she would have to give up 1/3 of the floor.

  17. Isn't this the exact same house they were saying she was negotiating on Months ago?

  18. what would new york city be without madge?

  19. she has of course become a commodity utterly devoid of charm or nuance.

    which admittedly, were never her big aces, but at least you saw them in the deck.

    her big talent is a zeal that borders on the missionary (tho not the position) ... i'm sure she'll turn this place into something fit for a woman with the tenacity and discipline of a mother superior, the sexual impulses of a slattern and the financial resources of a magnate.

  20. she really makes my skin crawl

    the stds she must have at some point had are vomit inducing.

    this house is gross to me, id much rather be in 15 CPW

  21. well damn, girl, this is more like it!! much better than that mothball house in the f.l.a.

  22. architectdesign needs to go back to school to learn how to read plans.

  23. am i tripping or or these 2 houses not connected by any interior passages?

  24. Even her broker (Wendy Maitland) tried to talk her out of viewing this property! That say's it all!

  25. this article says it all...


  26. She's making the switch to New Yorker fast - houses on the UES, Westchester, and Palm Beach.

  27. Imagine how many Malawi orphans Madge could have purchased for $42M.

  28. Tasteless comment and not particularly clever.

  29. Anon 10:28 - Fuck yeah, I'll back you up.

    Walls don't matter if you can spend 40 million on a house. Nothing does. You'll get what you want.

    A private garage and that land? Worth it. The subway could be a drag, though, but I'm sure we'd manage.

    East of Lex? My opinion is those who feel east of Lex is "the worst" really, really don't get it.

    I'd whack her with a golf club and throw her in the river for this pad.

  30. Is this place close to Donatella Versace's mansion ? i've heard this is one of the reasons she wants to live there...

  31. Who needs this much space? You can only live in one room at a time, I can think of better things to do with 42 million, I would be charitable in these hard times for most Americans

  32. Rocco will be a junior at Andover by the time his mother ever moves into that place.

  33. Hope ARod didn't sign a long term lease at 15 CPW. I think he's still f**king her, but she had to take it down low for all the obvious reasons. I also think she wasn't f**king beautiful Jesus, but her ego got in the way of even the Malawi deal, and for a few weeks she just had to make everyone believe she was. Then she sent him home to Ipanema.

  34. $42mm?>

    How rich is Madonna? Has any singer or an actor purchased a house for 42mm??

    That's a lot!!!!!

  35. I think she will grow to hate this house and this neighborhood, this whole idea, and that there is a very good chance she will never move in. From what I gather, the problem for Madonna is that she thinks she is way better than the building she presently lives in, and the fact is, it is not a prime CPW building. 101 CPW, the San Remo, and the Beresford are the best of CPW, I believe, for celebrities. In other words, the Board will accept or at some point in the past did accept certain celebrities. The Dakota, which is the most prestigious on the street, apparently will not at this point. Although some, including Lauren Bacall and Yoko live there. On the East side of Central Park, I can not think of one building on Fifth that would accept her. So that's out. Park is not so interesting, so that leaves town houses. But town houses pose their own security issues. Yes, she may have a garage she can drive into, but it doesn't preclude people from hanging out on the sidewalk, literally feet from where the Lady is sleeping and doing other things. We shall see where this all eventually goes.

  36. 'Yoko on the East side".......I thought she is on the west side?
    In any event, Madonna deserves every bit of luxury she gets. She works hard for it, without question, God love her.

  37. Great......now every perv in an eight block radius will be looking to spank the monkey outside her door. Within a year the exterior will be........you guessed it.........beige.

  38. No. Yoko in the Dakota at 72 and CPW. That's the west side.

  39. I don't think, per prior comment, that 'pervs' will be inspired to 'spank the monkey' outside her door.
    Rather, I think she's got a somewhat looney 'Princess Margaret' edge to her.
    What's a dreadful alternative? Mariah Carey looking at a bronze-kissed Trump Tower place?

    Madonna is cool.

  40. Yeah, whatever. Madonna is cool? What does that mean? Madonna kind of just is. She is totally cool. She is totally uncool. At once, a complete fool and having the last laugh. So insulated and isolated at this point that her life is completely self-referential.

  41. Don't forget, she's been living in a townhouse in London all this time. And there are even MORE paps and kooks there than in NYC. So she's used to the house thing.

    According to Wikipedia, she's worth $490 million. So this would represent about 10% of her net worth. Of course, all she has to do is go on tour again and she can buy a bunch more homes. Again, according to Wikipedia, her last one "highest-grossing tour ever by a solo artist with $US280 million". And she's added some more dates to it for 2009. So I don't think she's to0 worried.

    And you know what? Whether you love her or hate her or anything in between, and I've never really been a big fan, you've got to admit that she earned all that coin all on her own and she deserves whatever it will buy her. As far as being charitable, I've heard she gives plenty. She's not required to give it all away any more than any of the rest of us.

  42. "and kooks there than in NYC"

    Having grown up between both cities I would totally disagree. NY has more crazies on the street than London ... especially the part of London she lives in.

  43. She's been everywhere else... why not the "far east"? I doubt the upper east side would let her in anyways.

  44. It may be a long renovation process. She's come a long way. Good for her.

    Hope she takes your floorplan changes under advisement, Mama. Your talents are without bounds!

  45. nice job on that floor plan, Mama! You think you could draw up some plans for our shed we want to turn into a little guest house? You know how much we want you and Dr. Cooter to come visit with us but there's just not enough room in the trailer! Bye Bye!

  46. The house is great and has alot of potential of being FAB!! from a UES
    (upper east sider)

  47. I can't help but think Patsy and Edina would totally approve!

  48. I love that she dropped $42M on Tax Day as others dropped their extensions.

  49. the house is ugly and it looks cheap. she has such awful taste in homes, clothes and everything that she does in her vile music. that house is not real georgian. regarding what you wrote about the price, she is always inflating the prices of items in press releases. it's crazy.

  50. "Anonymous said...

    it's all about the garages and the fact that there is no board approval. there are virtually NO houses in Manhattan with garages so you can't be picky about location. subway noixe should not be an issue, she'll cover that up with her screeching......."

    to pick an ugly house to get a garage is stupid.


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