Thursday, April 16, 2009

Britney Spears Takes It To New Jersey

Sounds like Little Miss Britney Spears is taking her real estate crazy train on the road. According to a report by Jennifer Gould Keil–who has taken over her huzband's Gimme Shelter column in the NY Post since his sad and untimely passing earlier this year–the lip synching and dancing super star has been house hunting in...

...are you ready for this children?

New Jersey.

That's right. New Jersey.

The touring pop princess recently and reportedly leased an ass uglee 7 bedroom quasi-Colonial with 8 full and 2 half bathrooms in fancy schmancy Alpine, NJ where she set up temporary digs while touring on the East Coast. The tabloid trainwreck apparently liked the Alpine area so much that she went out looking at $20,000,000 homes in the area. If we're being honest, and we always are, this twenty million dollar number makes little sense since with the exception of the $59,000,000 Frick Estate, there don't seem to be any houses in Alpine listed on the open market for more than seventeen point five million.

Whatever the case, according to Miz Keil, none of the properties peeped by Miss Spears met her–ahem–high real estate standards. If she does actually locate and buy an estate that comes up to her security standards and requirements, she'll be in all kinds of celebrity company like Puff Daddy (or PDiddy or Diddle Daddle or whatever) who has a giant house on Alpine's Anderson Road. Other Alpine residents are said to include tax evader Wesley Snipes and that increasingly freaky looking Lil' Kim ladee who lives just around the corner from comedian Chris Rock and looks more and more like the unholy love child of Kimora Lee Simmons and Queen Latifah every damn day.


  1. She would never live in New Jersey.
    That story is BS.

  2. I would love to see some interior shots of the Frick Estate. A NYT article reports that four antique fireplaces were removed before the house was put on the taking the gold fillings from a corpse. LGB..........whaddyaknow?

  3. If Jennifer Keil is going to gain the respect that folks had for her late husband's reportorial skills then she's going have to resist the pressure from her editors at the New York Post to write silly pieces like this one. Daddy Spears, who controls the money flow through his conservatorship, isn't going to be making any deposits in Alpine. Basically, it sounds like Britney was bored and, big surprise, Diddy's broker had nothing better to do, and so on the day that Kfed took the boys to the mall, they went on a little house tour.

  4. 4:32, Britney's father applying the brakes to any thoughts of her spending 1/5th of her fortune on yet another real estate mistake is the 1st thing that came to my mind too.

    Mama, I think you were too kind in your description of Lil' Kim's increasingly plasticized appearance. She's starting to look like the love child of New York socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein and Michael Jackson to me. Yeah, I know that's harsh, but at the rate she's going, she clearly needs someone in her life applying the brakes when necessary too.

  5. I find it hysterical that not even Britney Spears would live on Long Island.

  6. This is probably going to sound like a load of BS, but it really isn't. I live in central NJ and about a week ago I was at a party where someone was talking about how they delivered pizza to a house britney spears was renting. they also said she answered the door and gave them 2 vip tickets to her show in NJ. I wasn't sure if i believed them but i guess i do now

  7. also why is it so crazy that she would want to live in NJ? please don't fall for what people make it seem like, especially that new real housewives of NJ that is coming out.

  8. 5:53, NJ is a great place, and so is Long Island. I've lived in both places. I don't believe anything was intended against NJ per se, but rather Britey's history of impulsively buying houses she either tires of or changes her mind about soon after. She grew up in the South and has since lived in California moving from one house to another. The idea of her suddenly pulling up stakes to move to NJ has an eerily familiar and not vey wise ring to it is all.

    Interesting story about the pizza delivery BTW. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Britney will fit right in with those tacky & neurotic NJ Housewives on Bravo.

  10. Why would Long Island or Westchester be more believable?

    Jackie Kennedy had a house in NJ, Whitney Houston, there are lots of broadway and TV stars, also, there was Malcolm Forbes, Doris Duke, Richard Nixon, Vanderbilts, Macys, all the heirs of Johnson & Johnson, Mars candy and crap loads of big money people all over NJ. It may not have the cache, but it certainly has the cash.

  11. i thought britney's last concert was such a disaster, why would she spend any money.....she is going to need every cent for her next melt down.

  12. Alpine is in a really beautiful part of NJ, right by the Palisades and right across the river from NY. Maybe it would be good for her to get out of LA and move somewhere more peaceful?

  13. This is old news.

    The rich hosts on CNBC said two weeks ago that Britney was moving in next to them in Alpine.

  14. It's kinda believable ... she lives in the valley so NJ isn't much of a stretch!

  15. Hey knock it off with knocking Joisey... Yes she did rent an ass ugly house in Alpine.. It is a typical McMansion that I believe the Record company is picking up the tab for, Eddie Murphys house which is only two towns away is on the Market and has dropped down to 19 million from his staggering 32 million.. something she should consider... The beauty of Alpine NJ is that the taxes are low as Alpine has no town, one Gas Station a Grade School that goes k-8 and the wealthy have to go to the Post Office to pick up their piles of mail. No numbers on the houses and you must have a minimum of 2 acres to build. It is minutes to NYC and everyone is stinking rich. The Frick Estate should be looked at, that place was amazing in its day.

  16. good site to get familiar with Alpine

  17. Frick Estate was truly magnificent! The neat thing is his grandson who was a Dr. kept buying more and more land as it became available. The sale price was staggering to say the least something Mama should have picked up on. They are keeping the Estate as it is a solid home and then building others. Then entrance is on Closter Dock Road and is quite impressive to say the least

  18. Isn't Bergen county the 4th wealthiest area in the US, coming right after Marin, New York, and Fairifeld counties?and I think westchester is 8th.

  19. Oh no, she already came to my mall like two weeks ago and cause a ridiculous amount of gossip among the locals, now she wants to buy a house here?! Although that area of Northern New Jersey has money, it's all trashy new money, so she can stay up there. As long as she doesn't try to set up shop in the old money areas of New Jersey, Far Hills/Princeton/Rumson/Short Hills/Bernardsville/Harding well be safe from the paparazzi.

  20. Alpine is wealthier than wherever she lives in Los Angeles.

    Alpine is richer than Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Malibu. It is the 2nd wealthiest place in the United States.

  21. I just looked at several Lists of the Wealthiest Towns in the US (Business Week, Forbes, etc) and Alpine isn't even in the top 20 on ANY of them.

    Get a clue you losers.

  22. I don't buy it. She can't move permanently out of California because of her kids. Plus if she could move anywhere, she would go back to Louisiana to be closer to her mom and her sister.

  23. I would all of the people who knock NJ, to take a drive through some if the wealthier towns like Deal, Rumson, Middletown, Alpine and so on. New Jersey may have some very ugly places, but it also has some if the most gorgeous towns in the country. Take some time on Maps. and go to "Deal, NJ scroll along the ocean from the park ave and ocean ave intersection southward and you will see some of the most incredible homes between there and Deal Lake. Or go to "Navesink River Road in Middletown" to see some of the most incredible elevated estates on the Navesink river. This where Bon Jovi, and about 20 or so CEOs of fortune 500 companies live across the river from the very old money Rumson where Bruce Springstien and queen latifah have homes. Then they should compare these pristine communities to their own tract housing filled planned neighborhoods and maybe rethink calling NJ the armpit of America!

  24. Alpine is the wealthiest town in America.

  25. Mama et al:

    I simply won't stand for Jersey-bashing. Trenton is the culture capitol of the right-hand coast. Lawn Guyland is another story.

    SF Mosheh

  26. Bergen county is closer to NYC than Nassau/Suffolk counties. It's an obvious choice for people who want to live closer to the city and in the same posh setting. The whole tri-state is the exact same thing, just B.C. is closer than the rest.

  27. Oh and also

    FORBES rated Alpine as the most expensive zip code 2008. I trust in Forbes.

  28. Do we know if Britney is going to rent on her east coast visit in August?

  29. Alpine isn't traditionally associated with "new" money. It's actually been a little-known haven to Manhattan's power-players since ages ago, probably since it's literally 7 miles from GWB (approximately 15 min driving). Queen Noor was raised there and has since moved back after the death of her husband, the Marconi family, the Frick family, numerous CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, Robert DeNiro, etc. It's only recently that names like Diddy and Chris Rock have made the town seem nouveau-riche.


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