Monday, September 29, 2008

Teen Aged Vanessa Hudgens Buys an Adult Sized House

BUYER: Vanessa Hudgens
LOCATION: Studio City, CA
PRICE: $2,750,000
SIZE: 5,200 square feet, 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: Spectacular old-world Tuscan, architectural manor with Moroccan influences & city light views. Engineer w/ caissons into bedrock, amazing custom stacked stone, saline Pebble-Tech pool/spa, waterfalls, cabana, bbq island, hardwood & stone floors, the ultimate gourmet kitchen, Thermador appliances, windows, copper sinks, Arte de Mexico wrought iron & glass doors wine cellar.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Your Mama has long heard whispers and rumors that 19 year old High School Musical ack-tress/wannabe pop star Vanessa Hudgens was looking to buy herself a house in the Hills of Hollywood. The paps frequently photographed the dark haired gossip glossy favorite touring multi-million dollar properties and several reports came out that she bought this house. But, according to our sources, she did not buy that house.

In early August of 2008 while strutting her starlet stuff in borrowed clothes at the Teen Choice Awards, young Miss Hudgens rather brazenly announced to E! Entertainment's super slim red carpet reporter Juliana Rancic that she was in the process of purchasing her first house. Not long after that, Your Mama received a secret communique from a gal we'll call Charity Chitchatter who whispered in Your Mama's big ear that she'd recently heard from someone who would know that Miss Hudgens had closed on her new house.

So Your Mama quickly got on the horn and contacted a few folks we thought might know what is what regarding Miss Hudgen's real estate doings and sho enuf we soon heard back from our wickedly well informed source Lucy Spillerguts who told us that the teen aged millionaire recently dumped $2,750,000 on a big house in Studio City, CA.

Property records show that in early September, young Miss Hudgens completed the transaction for an approximately 5,200 square foot house in the hills above Studio City that listing information reveals includes 6 bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms. Children, what in the world does an 19 year old gurl need with a 5,000+ square foot house with half a dozen bedrooms and 6.5 damn bathrooms?

Listing information also shows that in addition to all the bedrooms, Miss Hudgen's new abode includes a large entrance hall with a curving staircase where she can practice for her Norma Desmond years, living and dining rooms, a home office, a large gore-may kitchen that looks to Your Mama like it could be in just about any upscale tract house anywhere, a family room that opens to the rear terrace and pool deck, and a wine cellar which young Miss Hudgens will not be able to use for quite some time as she's not even old enough to buy liquor.

Other amenities of the teenager's three story abode include hardwood and stone floors, glittery views over the San Fernando Valley, three fireplaces, a three car garage where she can park her pricey Audi convertible, multiple terraces overlooking the back yard and all sorts of wrought iron detailing Your Mama assumes is an attempt to give the house a neo-Tuscan/faux Mediterranean/Moroccan mish-mash sort of vibe. Ack! Listen people, you can't just slap a tile roof on a house an fill it with wrought iron railings and call it Tuscan because we have been to Tuscany and we are certain there are not many (if any) houses in Tuscany that look quite like this. But then again, Miss Hudgens is just a bizzy teen aged ack-tress giddy and flush with fame and while she may well know a Louboutin from a Blahnik and True Religion from Rock and Republic, what does the gurl know about architecture? Seriously. We imagine her real estate agent could have told her this was High Gothic Georgian-style Center Hall Colonial Revival and what would she know, right?

Anyhoo, Miss Hudgen's terraced back yard features a beautifully blue saline swimming pool and spa where she can skinny dip in private after spending the afternoon slapping down the credit card at Fred Segal, a barbecue island, whatever that is, and a cabana where she and boy beau Zac Efron can quietly comb each other's hair and paint each other's toe nails in the shade.

If anyone were to ask Your Mama, which of course no one did, we think it might have been more financially prudent for young Miss Hudgens to purchase something a bit more modest in price and size. Certainly she could have found a cute three bedroom cottage in a solid Studio City neighborhood for 1.5 million, right? Afterall, the Disney people will eventually stop making High School Musical movies and then what is young Miss Hudgens going to do to make her mortgage? Sing? Pleeze.

Previous to scooping up her own celebrity style spread, young Miss Hudgens shacked up with her parents in the 2,385 square foot North Hollywood house prop records indicate they purchased in September of 2005 for $865,000. It must be kinda surreal to have your teen aged daughter buy a house worth more than three times the value of your own house. Not bad, just strange. Right?


P.S. Thanks to one of Your Mama's children we stand corrected. Miss Hudgens is 19 going on 20 and not the 18 years old that we first thought (and reported). We used our fingers rather than our bejeweled abacus and we counted incorrectly. But whatever. She's still 19 damn years old, which is awfully young to be buying a 6 bedroom house. Imagine what it's going to be like for her roaming and rattling around in there all alone as the house creaks and groans as it settles on its caissons. It makes Your Mama lonely just to think about it.


  1. I bet she paid cash for it

    now she can avoid paying that former manager of hers his 5 million

    oh on a final note it looks like the sky fell today

    DOW down 700 points

    I wonder when the MLS listing prices will match the dow

    no there is not a 700 billion bailout package anymore it is dead thanks to our house of representives

  2. Is it just me or do all the pictures look slightly askew? I feel slightly motion sick from all these different angles. The rear of the house almost looks like an Escher print the way it is photographed.

    Oh, okay...the actual house? Boring and pedestrian but a nice first effort. Can't imagine why she needs or wants all that space, but good on her for buying her first home.

    See, I did put a positive spin on it!

  3. I know nothing about LA real estate. The description states "caissons into bedrock." With all the houses perched on parched hillsides (and of course the inevitable mudslides that follow)I would think that would be common. But it doesn't appear much in the decriptions on this site. Isn't anchoring hillside houses into bedrock normally done (and good heavens why would anyone pay millions of dollars for a place if not)? Why would it be mentioned if it was the usual practice? Just curious...

  4. Is it just me or does the interior look like the interior of Randy Blue's house. I bet some sexytime has happened on that staircase. Total Valley Porn House.

  5. Re: Cassions into Bedrock: I don't know if it's commonplace to have them done on new houses, but it is a good idea to have done if you house is in a precarious position. It is very expensive to have them added later.

  6. LOL ONTD loves you mama!!!

  7. omfg - randy blue! sooo right.

    also, LOL at the comments at the link above.

  8. Most of the Hollywood Hills IS bedrock and the 80-100 year old homes that were built are sitting just fine.

    By the way, not much in the way of mudslides in the Hollywood Hills either. When/if one happens, it is generally due to new construction having changed the natural water runoff patterns.

    New(er) houses in the Hollywood Hills are being built on lots that previously were considered unsuitable for building. That is why you see new construction needing huge retaining walls and cassions.

    This same lack of easily buildable lots is why the prices AREN'T dropping in the hills (Hollywood or Beverly) at the rate that AJ/DD/ED are wishing for.

  9. WHY does she need a wine cellar... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  10. Hmmmm . . . I wonder if this is true since you don't have the facts straight about Vanessa. She is NOT 18. She will be 20 on December 14th.

  11. wtf! what does a 19 year old need a house this big for?? i mean, come on! she seems like one of thoose tacky rich people who once they get some money, go waaayyy over board in the things they buy, as if to tell the world they they have money in the bank. thats pretty trashy. but then again, so is she!

  12. 1:21pm - Did Mama's wooden spoon leave marks on your bare a@@?

    Good. Hope she sends you to bed without pudding too.

  13. That house was on the market for a looong time and I believe the original asking price was at least $3.5 (maybe closer to $4m).

    The house is not perched precariously on a hillside, the lot is a little elevated relative to the street, but it's nothing like a lot of the homes in the Hollywood Hills.

    I drove past the house a couple of months ago and what struck me most was that the usable lot is very shallow for a house of this size. The pool effectively consumes the entire back yard. I also thought the driveways were barely big enough to get a car off the street, but that's nit picking.

  14. I don't really know the LA real estate market too well, but I'm 5 years older than Vanessa Hudgens, and I would never want to live here.

    I would get a condo/ apt. in Beverly Hills or Hollywood, but I also don't maker her kind of $$$, so who knows.

    I do know there is no way she can afford to properly decorate a house this big, so it will look like crap.

  15. Not to be a schmuck, but the house color alone is reason to shiver. I prefer my cream of broccoli soup in a bowl. She should have just bought a place in Chad's beloved Sierra Towers.

  16. This house is tres ugly.

  17. My mother lives in Tuscany and no, there isn't anything there that looks like this nor the other gazillion "Tuscan" pieces of crap you see in suburbia.

  18. mama, perez is linking to you!

  19. Anyone know an address or street name?

  20. Anyone seen my purse?

  21. come on!
    She realy realy deserve it
    she is a such great actress
    you can't deny this girl have talent
    she's gorgeous and she have style
    I think that she will be more
    successful of what is now
    I love that house good for her
    Congratulations Vanessa Hudgens

  22. "come on!
    She realy realy deserve it
    she is a such great actress
    you can't deny this girl have talent
    she's gorgeous and she have style
    I think that she will be more
    successful of what is now
    I love that house good for her
    Congratulations Vanessa Hudgens"

    Agreed. You guys don't know if she worked hard. And if that's what she wants to do with her money, good for her. Just shut up and mind your own business.

  23. The pictures have me confused; isn't this the La Quinta Inn on Sepulveda?

  24. i think its for her AND her family, aka her father, mother, and sister.

  25. Too much house on too little lot. Nice big ass house needs nice big ass lot. Oh well, She's tired of being crammed into a studio apt and decided to go all out--sort of like the geo metro to hummer transition that many make once they hit the big time. On a positive note, she can have lots of fun and people over in there for not a lot of $$$ in LA. So, I'll stop hatin' and let her little sexy self stop paying managers and agents to get things like this.

    Still playing nice in WEHO for now,
    Mama's Black Sheep

  26. LGB...bahahahahahahahahahaha

    you're the best

  27. God, I'm glad I didn't have money to waste on real estate when I was 20. Egads! This is unappealing in so many ways. But then it seems to be the trend with the young'ins. They want ostentatious and a huge pool. End of story. When you get "old" you want something tasteful with cozy harmony, and as much nature as possible.

  28. She needs the wine cellar for her fur coats?

  29. Ha ha like she cares what you all think! She's out there living out her life, having fun and people are here stewing over her supposed house bought with her own money.

    I'm sure she'll be touched by your concern over whether she can meet her mortgage or whether it's a good buy.

    She's not daft, this is a buyer's market and prices are tumbling. after the recession she can sell it if she wants for double it's price. If she chooses, she can live in it for years and build up solid equity.

    You all would do better to focus your concerns on your own finances and leave Vanessa to enjoy her hard-earned wealth.

    Wherever her career goes, this is still a solid investment and be sure, she wouldn't come begging you for mortgage money.

    What sour grapes!

  30. HOLY HELL! We're being invaded by snarky Vanessa Huggins fanclub members!

  31. "We're being invaded by snarky Vanessa Huggins fanclub members!"

    Yep. Very amusing too.

  32. It's on Terryview.

  33. So, now we know there is a cadre of youngins who google Vanessa Hudgins every morning or they just can't start their days!

    Yes, total valley porn house. Ugly. Too big for the lot. I wish I could be that mediocre in my job and keep raking in stacks of cash.

  34. Believe me im not a huge fan of vanessa hudgens either, but there is no way in hell that any of you could sing like that. Keep your jackass comments to yourself and focus on your own problem. You guys can't hate her that much if you are willing to spend all your time talking about her. Shes young and successful, just leave her be to live her life. It seems the only thing you are trying to prove is that you're better than her when its clear that your nothing but scumbags, obsessed with trashtalking vanessa instead of focusing on your own lives, living in your mothers basements.

    My advice, go to hell and leave her alone.

  35. I'm shocked! Does HSM really pay that well??? I thought the cost to make HSM3 was only like $13 million. Which considering it is an ensamle cast, Miss Hudgens could not have made that much money.

    I do love the house though!

  36. it's better than spending the money in drugs and whatever bad! it's not as if she's buying something bad.. she wants to have her own house, live in there.. so what if she gets what she wants... SHE'S 20!! she can think...

    the house is awesome btw...

  37. "Anonymous said...

    Believe me im not a huge fan of vanessa hudgens either, but there is no way in hell that any of you could sing like that. Keep your jackass comments to yourself and focus on your own problem. You guys can't hate her that much if you are willing to spend all your time talking about her. Shes young and successful, just leave her be to live her life. It seems the only thing you are trying to prove is that you're better than her when its clear that your nothing but scumbags, obsessed with trashtalking vanessa instead of focusing on your own lives, living in your mothers basements.

    My advice, go to hell and leave her alone."

    OMG!!! I adore you... you are sooo true!


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