Wednesday, March 19, 2008

UPDATE: Veronica Hearst

According to the gossips at Page Six of the New York Post, the Palm Beach palazzo that poor Veronica Hearst lost in the public and nasty tangle of foreclosure has a new owner, and it's not professional golfer Greg Norman who attended the foreclosure auction and was rumored to be interested in the ostentatious 52-room Italian Renaissance style pile.

Although we have not been able to independently verify the information, the new owner of Villa Venezia is reported to be filthy rich Washington D.C. based financier Franklin Haney who bought the sprawling ocean front behemoth from New Stream Secured Capitol. The children will recall that New Stream took ownership of the property after Miz Hearst defaulted on a $45,000,000 loan that was (at least in part) secured against the Palm Beach property.

Mister Haney reportedly plans to embark on a restoration of Villa Venezia and Your Mama imagines The Widow Hearst and her clutch of high priced attorneys and accountants are working overtime to ensure that New York City socialite hangs on to her pa-lay-shul Fifth Avenue co-op and her 45-acre estate in New Castle, NY even though she still owes New Stream millions more than the sale of Villa Venezia brought in.


  1. Oh dear,the photo of her in the Post looks like the leather face people from Texas chain saw massacre.

  2. I have to agree with so_chic_darling, Veronica's face is very very scary in the picture in the Post--looks like she's had it pulled WAY too tight--I wonder if she can still cross her legs without having her mouth pop open.

    I hope the Haney's renovation doesn't detract from the original design--although I've heard that has already been altered to some degree.

    As always Mama, thanks for the updates!!!!!!!!!

  3. So_Chic, you're too cruel. She looks lovely. But off topic: people, am I the only person in the world living like a nun? What is going on with the governors on the east coast, or any where else for that matter? Can't ANYONE keep their pants on for goodness sakes!

  4. OK so I was a little cruel Aunt Mary but I just do not understand the whole extreme face lift look.It scares me,therefore the horror film analogy.

  5. So_Chic, there is definitely a "look" that shouts plastic surgery. And she has it. It makes women look like each other to some extent. The character is erased from their faces. The same goes for all the white teeth out there. I'm waiting for the backlash. I wonder what that will look like.

  6. Oh Lawd Mama--I can't sleep at night knowing that the weerder Hearst might be reduce to living on the streets. Quick---get me some of your nerve pills so I can make it threw the day--as I gots to get my nails done.

  7. what's really scary is these folks can afford the best plastic surgeons and they still end up like they're wearing a not so very convincing prosthetic face.

    anyone see priscilla presley on Dance with the Stars.

    she looks like that damn puppet Madame.

    aging's a bitch, but you gotta do it w/some grace people.

    hear that Madge?

  8. I,m leaving you Guy and returning to my ancestral home Harperly Hall.

  9. Laura's Bush,

    Oh, you are so right! Priscilla looks like a goddamn burn victim in a wind tunnel . . .

  10. I'm gonna play devil's advocate. Because I sure as hell wouldn't want to be an aging woman in NY or's brutal. Ladies who roll with certain crowds regard plastic surgery as a sort of Hobson's choice. It's what one does -- to them, it would be freakish not to "fix" the signs of aging. Sure, it's an alternate aesthetic. But when you're 70 there's no way you're gonna look 40, and they see what they get as preferable to the natural course of things. And since they get conditioned by what they see around them, they start to think it's normal anyhow. So I'm pretty sympathetic to the Priscilla Presleys and Veronica Hearsts on this count.

  11. PCH,

    I respect your opinion, although I'm still of the aging graceful mindset if for no other reason, botched jobs and the risks tied to any major surgery. But, as you say, these ladies operate under a different play book and social pressure.

    Another little dymanic I've noticed with this set is that after the age of 50 or so, many won't permit amature snapshots being taken of them at parties, functions or otherwise. A big no-no. It's professional photographers with consent, or nothing. Some go so far as to inquire about that before RSVPing.

  12. Madge you can take the two black ones,but you're leaving mine here.

  13. Look at Dixie Carter; she's had work done, but done right.

  14. 10:03,
    If you're posting from elsewhere on the planet, you may not be aware that yours is considered a highly offensive remark.

    Please ease up.

  15. Oh, Aunt Mary, keeping your pants on is no fun.

    Honesty and integrity seem to have got lost in the fray.

  16. I think the "surprised" look developed as a defence mechanism to counter the look on friends' faces when they see the post-op you.

    I think aging naturally is sexy. Show your battle scars, let the inner twenty-two year old come back out to play, 'cause we were only physically twenty-two once, and for a very short time.

  17. I totally get where all y'all are coming from. But so much of it is genetics and fitness. And some people just age better, by the standards of what our culture finds attractive.

    My mother, who is 56, hit the genetic jackpot and has been a health nut her entire adult life. She's never had anything done, and her face/body could easily pass for a youthful early 40s. Her big foxtrot oscar to the establishment is that she stopped coloring her hair...great howls of protest from her friends...still a great cut, but now an elegant silver. The catch: She can get away with it because she looks so good doing it.

    Others don't fare so well, whether because of genes or lifestyle choices. And if a facelift or an eyejob or whatever makes them feel better, I can't see the harm. To each her own :)

  18. The real problem with Veronica's face is that the top half doesn't match the bottom. She looks young from the nose down, but her eyes look old. And that's what gives her a freaky look. To make matters worse, her hair is too long and in serious need of an update.

    Bottom line you can't buy taste. And taste is actually a crucial component of aging gracefully.


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