Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tiger Woods: Oh No He Dih-ent

Listen children, you can stop emailing Your Mama and leaving snotty little comments regarding the $65,000,000 Hamptons house that it has been widely reported that Tiger Woods purchased.

Because, turns out, he didn't.

At least not according to the his people or the lucky listing agent for the posh property.


  1. I just drove by the place and there is a cbs ny news truck outside!

  2. I know... I drove it there!

  3. Yes indeed it is a small world

  4. don't you cbs guys report on "worthy" news - like how the American Government are retards wasting money and cause banks to collapse????

  5. anon 2:06

    gullible much?

  6. No they dont but We do

  7. while we just fuk with Britney

  8. the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!
    the sky is falling!

  9. Mama,

    Nice work!

    Measure twice; cut once.

  10. I do wonder who bought the house. I thought I was the only one to notice it had sold. I never would think about tiger living in good ole Hampton town.

  11. tiger would never live there because then he has to pay taxes on his earnings.

    He's building a mansion in Dubai = zero income tax


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