Monday, March 10, 2008

Kid Rock's Krib in Malee-boo

OWNER: Kid Rock
PRICE: $11,600,000
SIZE: 8,305 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: He cultivates an unwashed, uncouth, and white trash rock star image. He married and almost immediately dee-vorced the mammoth mammary party princess Pammy Anderson. Then he engaged in a stoopid shoving match with Pammy's impressively endowed first huzband Tommy Lee at the 2007 VMAs.

Although many reports say that Kid Rock spends a great deal of time in his native Michigan, property records show that the cowboy hatted hottie, whose real name is Robert Richie, forked over $11,6000,000 in October of 2006 for a recently re-habbed 5 bedroom and 5 bathroom house tucked back in a quiet cul de sac in the Point Dume area of Malee-boo.

According to a source we'll call Mister Plum, Kid Rock is actually a neat-freak nice guy who comes from a good family in suburban Michigan where is father owned a successful Lincoln/Mercury car dealership. Mister Plum also tells Your Mama that the long haired sex machine hired a to notch decorator to do up his house in Malee-boo with a soo-blime and "not very rock star" interior design program that incorporates a Basquiet painting, a Rothko, John Lennon's old organ, and Elton John's grand piano. Oh, and let's not forget the stripper pole used by all the plastic chested Hollywood hussies he invites over for a little slap and tickle. No home in LA owned by a filthy rich single dude is complete without one of those anymore. Besides, pole-ridin' Paris Hilton needs something to do when she comes over for parties.


  1. Is he selling, or is this just a late report on his having bought the place back in '06?

    And really, Kid Rock a "hottie" and "sex machine"? I think we're learning a little bit about our dear mama's taste in men, LOL

    As for the upscale interior design, maybe our Mr. Ritchie is another Alice Cooper...all ugliness and rock star posturing on the outside, but a golf-playing classical music-listenint oenophile on the inside...after all, back in 1968, who'd've thought Dennis Hopper would end up a 70-yo Republican with one of the largest and most acclaimed contemporary art collections in the world...

    Unfortunately, not enough pics of the house (either inside or out) to offer any opinions on the house itself...

  2. It looks pretty clearly like an original ranch that received a not-entirely-integrated addition. My least favorite variety. First reaction to the aerial shot: One single-wide bisected by another single-wide, with a Tiki-style entry borrowed from a 1960s Polynesian restaurant.

    And it probably (hopefully?) looks better than that from the ground...

  3. He got ripped off, then again it was 2006 when prices were high and now that they are coming down he should sue, that place is worth 2MM tops, I mean you can get the rockstar mansion for under 10 MM on sunset plaza

  4. PCH,

    You beat me to it; I was going to say it looked like someone's trailer broke free of it's hitch and crashed through a rather bland ranch house . . .

  5. OMFG!!

    Whoever you are shut up about the 'rockstar mansion' on Sunset Plaza - NO rockstar has ever owned it & given all the rockstars in LA, no rockstar has bought it probably because it's one of the most disgusting houses in the hollywood hills!

    & this place is not worth $2M - a property is worth whatever someone pays for it ...

  6. Does Kid Rock actually sell any albums and do that many people really go to his concerts? Kid Rock? that much money?

  7. Anon 1:47,

    Ed/Joe/etc clearly ran out of meds...and his wife/keeper probably ran out on we are stuck with his sorry a** until he finds another blog to bother.

    Best to ignore.

  8. Anonymous


    It is called the rockstar house because rockstar drinks owns the mansion and throws parties there not because rockstars ever lived there, fyi, very few rockstars could even afford to buy that place and the previous owners were a internet mogul, steel industrialist and a chip maker according to the articles I have read.

    I understand the quote, "property is worth what someone is willing to pay for it" but if they paid high prices based on media hype ? is that fair ? is that legal ?

  9. Where's girl with at the bar when you need her. everyone is so testy today...:-)

  10. anon

    4:21 PM'

    this is anon

    3:53 PM

    who are you refering to ?

  11. Hey PCH,

    But it they paint it all yellow, wouldn't that make it Tuscan?

  12. Exactly, Sandpiper :) But don't forget the rough-hewn stone...just a little bit by the front door -- or maybe on a patio with a fireplace -- will do the trick.

  13. Is it so wrong that a small part of me thinks Kid Rock is teh sex-ay?

    But he's been with Pam Anderson, so I'll just douse myself in Lysol. As for the actual house, it is "meh", though I am not surprised he decorates well and has good taste. He always seemed to just be visiting Trashyville.

  14. It is only called the "rockstar house" by one loser on the internet. The rest of Los Angeles calls it a white elephant that has been on the market forever.

  15. Dennis Hopper is a republican?I can't believe it.

  16. His Michigan spread complete with a cannon out front and a clothes line in side yard.

  17. the clothesline does it for me...good thing there's no concrete deer in the yard lest I swoon...

  18. Am I the only one who thinks that this might be Malibu's most expensive teardown?

    There ain't enough yellow paint, faux stone from Garden State Brickface, or outlandish vegetation that could possibly make this Tuscan, even at midnight in the middle of a thunderstorm.

  19. Some of you have the most amazing powers to figure out whether this is a nice house or not just from looking at the roof. Now that's some serious talent.

  20. Now this is a house

  21. So_chic,

    That's what I've repeatedly read over the past few years...I know, sad, isn't it?

  22. can we get an amen for Gwendolyn's alert commentary?

    so, listen up, lil glib/gay boy!

    am i the only one who enjoyed Kid Rock performing on the Grammy's with Keely Smith?

  23. I know this area (his MI place). For a geo-check, I've gotta say it is super green and hilly. It's remote to the city {Detroit} yet there in a half hour for the many cool places the city has to offer. His immediate town is upscale quaint; rural and only a short drive to endless auto-baron burbs with awesome dining, shopping and cultural venues.

    I'm a few miles away and wouldn't trade it for the world. Great place to raise kids, and fun for grown ups too!

  24. rockstar mansion is pretty cool

  25. Anon 9:22

    I thought we'd already dismissed this concrete and glass "home" that has all the charm of a prison in "Blade Runner."

  26. lil gay boy where do you live ?
    up the dirt road

  27. It's pea gravel and we call it "the drive."

  28. OMG 2260 Sunset Plaza is hideous!!!

  29. lil' gay boy, big daddyj and others who think the rockstar mansion is hideous.


    all you do is praise shacks and S**** boxes, make up things as you go along to try to come across as intelligent authortarians of history when you sound like buffons and then you cut down real works of art that real players own and buy, that do like it or not, sell for millions if not tens of millions, do you even have degrees in architecture ??

    You act like you are Frank Lloyd Wrights clones are you related to him or any of the other designer greats ???

    Next I guess you would say that the chemosphere house is horid and yet it is owned by a renowned publisher, to me it is the house of the future, a likeness of it was in charlies angels, I am and I am sure others are all abou the future, we are not stuck in the 19th,18th or the 17th century which you seem to be stuck in and if that is the case then I understand, you only like homes properties that are over 100 years old......

  30. and if you like properties that are centuries old then I do really do understand where you are coming from, I for one do not, I like modern and futuristic.

  31. "Some of you have the most amazing powers to figure out whether this is a nice house or not just from looking at the roof. Now that's some serious talent."

    Gwendolyn, Gwendolyn, Gwendolyn...

    I'll cut you some slack as it seems to be the first time you're posting (under than name anyway)...

    A) A fair number of people on this board are in real the same communities where these houses are located. They have seen the houses or at least the full listings. You will notice many people post a link to said listings/virtual tours for the benefit of all.

    B) Even the people who are not RE professionals can spend a few minutes and locate the houses online.

    It is our interest and hobby, it is what we do.

    Now there is another small meaningless group on the blog... The losers who are just here looking to insult others and disrupt the blog.

    I'm SURE that isn't YOUR intent, is it?

  32. I for one would love to own one of these large estates and I have 5 MM to spend right now so I could put down close to half for a nice property but it was pointed out to me that the security alone would cost me a million a year, you have to have tight security there is no way around that so I guess you really have to be a billionaire these days or at least a hectomillionaire to comfortably live in one of these places these days.

    I guess I will have to get another condo for now.

  33. Anon 11:36,

    No one here is the architecture police. A large number think that particular house you keep bringing up is hideous.

    You are completely off track and obviously making up things yourself if you write that people are only praising 100+ year old "shacks & shitboxes". There have been many homes praised here that are less than 75 years old. Perhaps you haven't been paying attention. LGB has expressed his appreciation of moderns as well as the work of Frank Lloyd Wright's Southern California homes, all of which were built in the 90 years or less. You may also be interested to know that Lautner was a one time student of Wright.

    Go play in the street and let the grown ups talk now.

  34. House sort of looks like a mobile home in the mid-section. Backed up to a ravine with no beach access. Hope he gets his money back.

    Google Map/Earth location -
    34.0095, -118.798

  35. anon 11:59

    okay grandpa, anything over 20 years old is considered 19th century to me, I am talking about the future, modern looking, not classic, I have no interest in buying a place with a classic look


  36. okay so I think the 2260 sunset plaza dr is lautner if not who ???


  37. anon 11:36,

    I have no problem with contemporary architecture, but rather with 2260 Sunset Plaza in particular. Great architecture is not just good to look at, it should also be liveable, that concrete pile looks about as liveable as a nightclub, which is what it is inteneded to be, which is probably why it's owned by a corporation (as you repeatedly point out) and not an individual, it is a party house and not a residence...I do not consider myself the architecture police, but I am entitled my personal opinion on that house, whether you like it or not...but your incessant pimping of this place on practically every post mama puts up finally compelled me to take a look and I didn't like what I saw, so sue me...

  38. I also find your logic intriguing, that you dub the "chemosphere house" (which I am not familiar with) to be architecturally signifigant because it is owned by a "renowned publisher"...I don't know how most people judge architecture, but to me who owns a house does not determine whether or not the house is aesthetically or architecturally pleasing...maybe that's just me though ;-)

  39. 2260 Sunset Plaza does not look like a lautner to me, to linear and not rounded enough...

  40. chemosphere house old picts

  41. Bigdaddyj, Anon 1:16,

    2260 Sunset Plaza Drive is definitely NOT a Lautner; the architect of record is David Lawrence Grey, and a visit to his website:

    explains it all; the man's a serial fugliest.

    Not one of his "domestic" projects expresses any warmth or livability; they are all "clever" artworks that ultimate fail to hold the attention for long.

    Too bad; looks like a good amount of wasted talent, unlike Lautner who went unrecognized for years after studying at Taliesin with FLLW.

    The Chemosphere house has been famous (and rightly so) for years, but is by far not one of Lautner's best efforts. But it did prove he was more than a "one trick pony."

  42. Anon 12:35,

    You write "anything over 20 years old is considered 19th century to me, I am talking about the future, modern looking, not classic, I have no interest in buying a place with a classic look"

    You do realize the Malin House (Chemosphere) is 47 years old??

    "modern looking" doesn't mean it has to have been built in the past 20 years.

    If you put as much effort into learning about Lautner's work as you have trying to force 2260 on this blog, you might actually be embarassed to have tried to attribute 2260 to him. I suggest looking at Reiner (Silvertop) , Elrod, Sheats-Goldstein, Segal, Arango, Beyer, Harvey, Zahn, Garcia, and one of my personal favorites - Wolff, which is currently on the market.

  43. Even Jesus Christ Almighty HATES that Stinkin' House.

  44. Bigdaddyj,

    Anon is neglecting to mention is the publisher is Benedikt Taschen of Taschen, which publishes art and architecture books.

    So the point is really not that a "renowned publisher" owns it but that a publisher who makes a living off publishing books about architecture owns it. Who would have thought that! ;-)

  45. LGB, Malin is actually an earlier work of Lautner and some of his biggest engineering marvels were yet to come. One of the interesting things about Lautner's work (Average Joe might want to pay attention) is many of his early works in Los Angeles can sell for less than 2 million dollars. The early houses aren't 10k s.f. mansions but they are special non the less. Schaffer in Glendale is currently on the market for 1.95m

  46. Anon 9:43,

    I've always loved Lautner's work; the living room of Sheats-Goldstein is one of my favorite spaces.

  47. Sheats-Goldstein is one of my favorites. One of the things that fascinates me about Lautner was his willingness to modify his own designs years later. The changes in the late 80s to the Sheats House for Jim Goldstein did nothing to detract from the original (in my opinion anyway). The only thing I disagreed with was the loss of the Lautner-designed Concannon House that was next door. Goldstein had it demolished to make room for a tennis court!

  48. Anon 2:03

    I've only seen a few pictures of the Concannon House; seems a great loss for a tennis court. I agree that changes in the late 80s to the Sheats House for Jim Goldstein did nothing to detract from the original - even improved it in some ways.

    Too bad the technology for the "air curtain" wall for the living room never worked - but it still is a spectacular space.

  49. LGB,

    Now that we've turned this into a Lautner thread but before the trolls come out tonight...

    Did you hear about the Goldstein Office designed by Lautner? It was in a high rise office tower and the building owner intended to demo the space. The Lautner Foundation worked to save it and it was eventually able to be dismantled and donated to the LA County Museum Of Art. LACMA is going to reassemble it in LACMA West (the historic May Co. building). The office and built in furniture is styled very much to match the house.

  50. No, I hadn't heard - been waiting with baited breath for the latest Lautner books to come out, "Lautner, 1911-1994: Disappearing Space" & "Between Earth and Heaven: The Architecture of John Lautner", both of which I've pre-ordered on Amazon.

    Outstanding news - I think his work has gone unrecognized for far too long.

  51. The Hammer Museum in LA is also doing a Lautner exhibition from July to October in conjunction with "Between Heaven & Earth".

  52. yes jackass...kid really does sell that many records, and his concerts are always sold out! dont be hating because your poor!!

  53. Ok Listen, Before you dumb asses comment you should do some research first. Kid rock is worth alot more than you haters are giving him credit for. He has sold 25 million records, you get about .50 cents a record which equals 12,500,000.00. He has went on 22 tours since 1998. An average tour consist of 40 to 50 concerts. we will say 45. That means he has done 990 shows. Average ticket price of $40.00 and a average of 5,000 seats a show which is a small amount cause he sales out OKC's ford center every time he comes to oklahoma( 19'000 seat arena)Thats a total of $200,000 a show x 990 which equals $198,000,000.00 gross. Lets say he puts only 10% in his pocket Thats $19,800,000.00. thats not including merchandise sells. But that alone is $32,300,000.00 total. Government takes 40 %= $19,380,000.00. Now you put that in bank at a average of 5% a year interest. That equals 969,000.00 a year interest. he has been touring for 10 years so 10 x 969,000.00 yr for interest=9,690,000.00 interset. So his interest bought that house.


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