Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jessica Simpson Says No

The ever present cameras of gossip juggernaut TMZ caught Jessica Simpson yesterday as she exited a Chili's restaurant in Encino...let's just take a moment of silence to breathe that in children.

A damn Chili's restaurant in Encino? Anyhoo, when asked if she bought a big house in Nashville the singer/ack-tress/former reality television star said "No, absolutely not."

Well then, maybe the gurl's got the good sense not to buy a 10,000 square foot mansion in a town she doesn't actually live after all.


  1. I feel Our Mama's pain on the scary concept of anyone voluntarily eating at Chili's.

    That imagery aside, she's rising above the dismal and opertunistic trappings that are crushing her contemporaries. It's nice to see an emotionally and physically healthy young woman having lunch with family. She wasn't falling out of a limo sans undies or caught hitting on a hash pipe.

    Please pardon my waxing. It's the mom in me.

  2. Wonder if she ordered the chili?

    I have a sneaky suspicion that Ms. Simpson is smarter than most give her credit. Can't say the same for her little sister.

  3. "scary concept of anyone voluntarily eating at Chili's"

    scary concept of anyone voluntarily moving to Nashville!

  4. I heard she got it for her mother.

  5. Two hot things always belong together

  6. I'm not saying she did or didn't buy it, but you always have to remember that just because she said she didn't buy it to someone bothering her while she was eating, doesn't mean she really didn't. Celebrities blow people shit all the time, especially the media.

    Although I think it is a big mistake if she is the buyer, I still believe (for now) that she did buy it, but we'll have to see how it all pans out.

  7. Why do people who have access to the best food in the world in LA go to a Chili's?I just don't understand it,Chili's is for minimum wage earners only.

  8. Honestly, so chic, I don't think minimum wage earners can afford Chili's. It's expensive, especially for what it is.

    I live in LA and, yes, I would go to Chili's if I had a craving for ribs and assorted carbs.

  9. Honestly, so chic, I don't think minimum wage earners can afford Chili's. It's expensive, especially for what it is.

    I live in LA and, yes, I would go to Chili's if I had a craving for ribs and assorted carbs.

  10. So Chic,

    When you are trying to have a meal with your family without being bothered by paps.

  11. so_chic, I'm with you. LA has an abundance of lovely restaurants. Chili's is not even on the radar. One only goes to Chili's if one is stuck in some podunk town that doesn't even have a decent greasy spoon.

    It is nice that she was eating with family, though. While I find her intensely annoying, I am grateful that she's not flashing her lady bits around or being strapped to a gurney or going into rehab every other day. It is refreshing.

  12. Really, she's more of a hack-tress!

  13. One of the best things about visiting LA is the food and it does not have to be expensive,even food that is cheaper than Chilis can be better!

  14. she was bringing her family to see me at work. we are getting married soon but dont tell the press because we want to sell the pictures for a million euros.

  15. Get back in the kitchen! Those dishes won't wash themselves.

  16. True, it's refreshing that she's not flashing her lady bits like some of her peers, however, she is incredibly annoying. I saw her once buying hair products with Ken Paves and her attitude and outfit were completely ridiculous. Worse, a friend who is a Marine pilot said a few years ago that she and her family were on his aircraft carrier for her to sing. Apparently her parents and then-hubby were kind to everyone, but she refused to leave her room and complained the whole time b/c everything was too dirty for her. While hubby and parents hung out in the chow hall talking to Marines, she was pouting in her room, refusing to eat. She lost a lot of fans on that trip.


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