Friday, March 14, 2008

Check It Out Children...

Your Mama just luvs the good people at the International Herald Tribune for understanding our special brand of real estate good times.

Even better they called us the reigning queen of celebrity real estate journalism. How nice is that to wake up to on a Friday morning after a long night tossing and turning worried about the fate of Neverland Ranch?


  1. Every word they wrote was true!!

  2. You are the Queen of celebrity real estate, Mama! Now I'm picturing you wearing a little faux jewelry encrusted crown while sitting at your computer, typing up your column.
    Keep up the greatly entertaining work, Mama!

  3. How sweet is that! You're one in a million. I appreciate you every day!

  4. Mazel tov, Mama. Well deserved. Shall we chilrun put together a fund to keep you in daily tiaras? You could have a Monday one encrusted in topaz, Tuesday in sapphires, Wednesday in rubies...or we could go super tacky with the rhinestones and glitter.

  5. Whatever the tiaras are made of, they have to be durable for when Mama has to snatch it off her head, toss it next to the G&T and go for the wooden spoon.

  6. Isn't being QUEEN great!!!

  7. Does this mean you'll be having tea with Suzy Menkes.Oh what fun!

  8. You've always been my Queen, Mama! I can't go one single solitary day without being here.

  9. Real Estalker is addictive because of your writing style and the utter hilarity of it all.There are many celebrity gossip sites but none as piquant as Mama's and that's why the ever hungry children keep coming back for more.

  10. Mama, this blog is without a doubt one of my favorite deserve to be chuffed as hell at the all the favorable coverage you're getting.

    All this "Queen" business has me humming Don't Stop Me Now, albeit the high-speed, pop-punk cover by The Vandals.

  11. Well done Mama once again ... Like others have said it's your writing style & wit that makes people come back time & time again ... & it's quite hilarious reading the comments section, who knew so many people out there needed a] medication b] a personality c] a sense of humor d] a good slap ... I sure as hell didn't!

  12. it's time to open the vintage Dom Perignon!

  13. Congrats Mama, glad to see your fame still grows while the real esate market tanks...and maybe I was right after all when I said maybe Nicole Richie & Joel Madden decided to sell their newly bought Manhattan condo after it got skewered here, LOL! ;-)

  14. Love it, Mama! And the IHT, no less. You have arrived, my darling, on an international scale.

  15. Mama,
    "It's good to be Queen . . . " congrats - 'bout time the rest of the world knew about you.

    PCH, Bigdaddyj, Bentley,
    I couldn't agree more . . .

    Saw your post on IHT - beat me to it, bit. . .ty friend.

    Girl at the bar,
    I'm still waiting to hear that cork pop!

    Anon 9:36,
    You forgot: E] All of the above.

  16. Congrats to you Mama!! Everyday on my drive to work I wonder what treasure you'll be showing the children. I too am addicted to you, your grand style of writing, & humor. At times it's an astonishing story that leads me to seek more information a history lesson if you will. The banter of the other children is priceless.. I thank you

  17. Your Mama's Momma is very PROUD of her offspring.

  18. Mama you have a throne and there's nothing dreadful about that!

  19. Dear Mama's Momma,
    You have so much to be PROUD of. Good Work! I thank you for creating such a clever gifted person.

  20. "And of course, who doesn’t relish the opportunity to sit back and vehemently declare “I’d NEVER spend $25 million on THAT house,” when in reality they don’t have $25 to spend on any house."

    Mama does know her chilrins! I almost spit my g&t at the screen on that quote.

  21. lapd doll,
    I gotta believe Our Mama was totally-off-the-cuff on that quote, with no ill intent. (She isn't like that.)
    Speaking for myself, I stay away from dollar commentary. I have >$25.00, but not millions. (LOL)
    But c'mon, how many people can be interested in--plus qualify for--the properties we play with here? It's all good fun.

  22. I don't know about your Mama but MY Mama never has any ill intent, except for when we make her work up a sweat running with that spoon.


    I know the quote was fully tongue in cheek and I loved it.

  23. Kudos, Mama! I've been re-reading some Dickens because I so love his style. But I can say with a straight face, with no intention to curry inordinate favor in the event there is a family photo shoot in the offing, that your writing style is as compelling and seducing as the Old Master's himself. Bottom's up!

  24. Aunt Mary,

    You just reminded me of a famous quote about Dickens by Oscar Wilde, who must have been the "Mama" of his times:

    "One would have to have a heart of stone to read of the death of Little Nell without laughing."

  25. Oooooh, I love tiaras! They're the best, especially the old family one that gets dragged out at every wedding...

    Congratulations, Mama. Great subject, great writing, great personality (-ies). Here's to many more wonderful reviews...

  26. I just peed a little.

  27. lgb, I'm a sucker for Dickens and I believe in the goodness of his protagonists. Wilde was a bitter cynic. However, that is a very funny line.

    Speaking of writers, do you suppose that Ms. Frivolity, if she is still among the living, is putting her pen to paper on the subject of fallen demagogues?

  28. Well deserved accolades, Mama. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to many more months of Real Estalker. (I'm a sucker for the interior photos and floorplans.)

  29. Aunt Mary,

    I too am a sucker for Dickens, and was dismayed beyond reason when Nana left her entire collection of first edition Dickens to my brother instead of me; he wound up getting drunk with a friend of his one night in Kansas and burned the entire collection . . . may he rot in hell.


  30. Mama,
    Hope you'll add the International Herald Tribune to your left column. I hope to see Real Estalker on their Favs too.

    Just a thought. :)


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