Friday, December 7, 2007

UPDATE: Palazzo Chupi

There has been a lot of speculation and rumor about just who is buying into egolicious artist Julian Schnabel's pinky red behemoth in the West Village, a controversial and ornate building that Your Mama happens to love not for it's missing beauty marks, but simply because it flips the proverbial bird at all the lovely but ubiquitous glass towers that have and continue to sprout all up and down the far West Side of Manhattan.

What a nice change of pace to get something loaded with pizazz and personality versus one of these banal Costas Kondylis monstrosities or yet another gorgeous, sleek and minimalist glass things by Richard Meier or Winka Dubbeldam.

First, some stinking rich banking dude name William J.B. Brady bought one of the units, then aging sexy man Richard Gere and his wifey Carrie Lowell picked up a place.

Then the shit really hit the gossip fan when everyone, including Your Mama, was whispering and writing that the U2 front man turned global crusader decided to move from his smoke filled co-operative apartment at the swanky San Remo on the Upper West Side and into the pinkish palazzo.

Well, according to New York Magazine, he's not packing his uptown shelaighlieghs and moving downtown after all.

The oh so lovely So Chic Darling whispered this tidbit of information in our ear weeks ago (and we have the email to prove it), but stoopidly, we sat on the information for no good bloody reason.

Sources: Toni Dalton for The Villager (photo)


  1. Another blogger said:

    The stock market is being manipulated in order to avoid an eminent crash.

    ▪ REAL inflation (not the government's lie) is probably over 10%.

    ▪ The dollar is becoming worthless to foreigners.

    ▪ The national debt is so high that the United States has become a bankrupt nation.

    The crash of 1929 will seem like a cakewalk when compared to the crash that is coming.

    Is he far off ? or should I buy now ?

  2. Excuse me, she said

    "Veronica Lodge"

  3. me thinks the problem is that he is on his medication.

  4. I am sorry my question was for

    "real economist"

    He seems to know the reality of where we are headed as an economy in the next few years.

  5. Mama I told you about this weeks ago.My informants were right!

  6. Ed is just on break from the seminar, just stepping out for a little air, aren't you dear. Here now, take this nice cup of tea and go with the nice men. That's a good boy. Yes, we'll call Veronica the Economist. Just don't you worry about a thing.

  7. Now this building looks Tuscan!

    Mama is Winka Dubbeldam a real name? I hope so. "Winka Maurice Dubbeldam get in here this instant. Don't make me get out of my chair and come in there!" I love it.

  8. This is in my hood. I like the place and my friends all want to kick my ass for saying so, and my girlfriend threatened to leave me if I told another person that I liked it is refreshing to read that others like it too.

  9. Perry I like it too as I've said when mama talked about it before there are so many quirky buildings in the Village from the inter war period that have Italian touches all over them in brick and terracotta,therefore it fits into the Village much better from an architectural point of view than the glass towers.
    Let me just say that I love the glass towers too,but not the Ramada like one the Olsens shacked up at!

  10. My informants also tell me that the swimming pool,for use by all residents,is tiled with 100 year old recycled real New York subway tiles.

  11. So Chic...

    Morton Square DOES look like a Ramada. Though the Olsens never shacked there, only owned there.

  12. Ed, Mr Dobbs here, you are a hoot, I'm certainly not worried but just in case I have my helicopter on standby if any chaos or riots are to occur.

  13. Wow.. "Ed" was the first two posts in the topic and he thinks he was responding to someone named "Veronica Lodge" or someone named "Real Economist".

    He has at least two voices in his head? Daym, Mama, I guess you really are famous now. You got a real live crazy person up in here.

  14. Anyone notice Miss Louella hasn't been heard from in a week? Did she come out of hiding and the big bad brokers she got her?

  15. Just to clarify the above news quote was from "Veronica Lodge" from another blog that has over 10MM users, you should check it out it is called "housing panic" and if half of what they say is true we are all in for a rude awakening, just in case I am preparing in advance, building up my cash reserves, making sure my plane is on standby, I mean if the feds are really manipulating the stock market and that is why it has not crashed yet how bad of a crash is really around the corner ?

    Good day !!!

  16. I saw cinderella man last night "Russel Crowe" I did not know the great depression was that bad.

  17. I live in the west village also & detest this place - I really don't like it ... Morton Square described as a 'Ramada' is genius ... I also hate that building but have never had a proper word to describe it - now I have ...

  18. Aunt Mary and Mr Darling had had enough they had found out the secret address of the offices of don' and were going to do something about it!
    "No you go first"said Aunt Mary to Mr Darling"I've got a brick in my coach bag,and I'll use it if I have to".Mr Darling kicked open the cheap Home Depot plywood door of the office in a nondescript strip mall in Westwood."Oh shit what are you doing here?"Mr Darling screamed at Linda Hoof who had a woman in a tattered swivel chair tied up with electrical cord and gagged with an Hermes scarf."Who the fuck is she"shouted Aunt Mary."She's Veronica Lodge"cackled Linda Hoof in her two pack a day growl."What should we do with her?"Mr Darling turned to Aunt Mary"hand be the brick my dear"Mr Darling hurled the brick at the early 1990s IBM computer smashing the screen."Let her go Linda,she can't do anything now."Aunt Mary gave the IKEA table one big kick with her size 11 Feregamo flats."OK gang let's get out of here our work is done"said Mr Darling as all three of them made a dash for Aunt mary's Volvo.

  19. 30 minutes later......They were safe now sure that they had not been followed to the Coffee Bean on the corner of La Cienega and West 3rd.They huddled around the fire pit on a cold December morning sipping giant lattes and munching on muffins that seemed not to taste of anything.
    "Do you think they'll come after us?"said Aunt Mary."No way we've shaken them up a bit"Linda Hoof said."I'll be safe at Mr Ross's place nobody can get past the security there,and you and Aunt Mary will be safe at her penthouse back in New York now that security has been tightened after that Linda stein murder,let's get you both over to Burbank and onto that Jet Blue flight back to JFK.I know people at the LAPD,trust me nothing ever happened!"

  20. How amusing! I love a good caper! Ms. F, dear, if you need some help with your security detail, Joan Collins has some big manly blow up dolls you can place strategically near your windows and in your automobile, I know you can't afford the real thing while this strike is going on. Be careful. Stay away from the halal food vendor on 23rd and Lex.

  21. Yes, Ed dear, anything you say, sweetheart. I have a nice cold compress for you.

  22. A Ramada?!?!?!

    That actually seems almost complimentary.

    Third World-esque is more like it.

  23. personally, i love it.

    i wish one of the residents would have the balls to string a line across their balcony in order to dry some of their formerly dirty laundry.

    while all the dreadful shit-braun fake tuscany stuff appalls, this one has personality thanks to its mandy improbabable and slightly rambling structure and what looks to be a continuing-to-patina exterior.

  24. i don't know how the word "mandy" ended up in the above. strike it, please!

  25. anon 8:14, i tend to agree, & i thought the same thing about the clothesline when i saw this building, funny.
    i think theres room in the city for this building, why the hell not.

  26. This building has personalty and that's not something you can say about most modern buildings.In a world of super conformity this stands out in a Gertrude Steinish kind of way and that's not a bad thing in this plastic age is it?

  27. i think a well placed clothes line is thing of beauty. reminds us of our common humanity, somehow.

    granted in the city, the clothes ain't gonna smell quite so aromatic, but still.

    + don't it conjure up naples, pasolini and all that jazz?

    seems like there just isnt room for patina anymore in the modern design conversation. everything sits and continues to look new, new, new til it looks plan out of style.

    patina keeps things current somehow.

  28. A clothesline! Brilliant! And our mama leaning out a window in her apron waving a wooden spoon. A faux tenement building.

  29. One of my fondest childhood memories is playing in the lines of drying clothes on a brilliant sunny day. Gathering armfuls of sweet smelling sheets and burying my face. Oh, you young ones, do that once before you die.

  30. Ladies, thanks for your generous deed. I "borrowed" some pills from the evidence room and given them to Mrs. Ed to put in Ed's morning tea. I wish the city could pay you but the repugenicans would catch wind so I'll just have to put you on the guest list at the strip club where I moonlight.

  31. lapd tipster:

    You're a kind man. I have to write fast in case Ed wakes up again. He thinks the republicans have blocked our screen name. We'll never tell. [Sandpiper]

  32. Mr. Ed (although he was a talking horse not a typing a**),

    This blog is called "The Real Estalker", not "housing panic" or "ed pissed his pants again".

    We're not reading to hear how about panic, we are hear to read about the buying and selling of the rich and famous who likely care as much for your little panic blog as the readers here.

    So to quote one of the fabulously stylish ladies of the blog, "F*CK OFF" and go back to your little whiny blog.


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