Thursday, December 20, 2007

Trent Reznor Heads for the Hills of Beverly

BUYER: Trent Reznor
LOCATION: Summitridge Drive, Beverly Hills, CA
PRICE: $4,187,545
SIZE: 3,981 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: Clean lines, light filled rooms exemplify this pristine Architectural with city and canyon views. Dramatic two story living room, superb kitchen/family room. Master bedroom suite has large balcony, new custom pool with sound system. Gated and private–and exceptional residence.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Your Mama has been sitting on this one for several days now, but we've just been too damn bizzy and to get to it. Last week, or was it earlier this week, we cain't remember yesterday so we don't have no damn idea when it was. But anyhoo, Mister Big Time wanted to know which celebrity type person bought a house up on Summitridge Drive in the Beverly Hills Post Office. The answer is Trent Reznor, the sexy-sexy singer for a funny sort of band called the Nine Inch Nails (NIN) which is actually comprised of just one man, our Mister Reznor, who simply puts a band together when he tours but otherwise is a cat that walks alone.

One little tidbit of information about Mister Reznor that Your Mama finds both compelling and disturbing is that back in the mid-1990s he famously leased the Cielo Drive property where the Manson murders occurred, built a private recording studio and dubbed it "Le Pig," which of course was the message that was cruelly scrawled across the front door of the house in Miz Sharon Tate's blood after the gruesome 1969 butchery. Mister Reznor was the last occupant of the property before it was ripped down, given a new street number and replaced with a new and huge mansion built by a hugely successful television producer. It is rumored that Mister Reznor actually took the front door with him when he vacated the premises. How very Marilyn Manson of him.

Given that Mister Reznor is the sole member, songwriter, producer and instrumentalist for NIN, he naturally receives the lion share of the piles of money made from albums and touring gigs. And recently Mister Reznor used some of that money to trade up on his crib.

See puppies, before Mister Reznor paid $4,186,545 for this contemporary style house way up in the Beverly Hills (P.O.), he lived in an uglee little house on Appian Way high in the Hollywood Hills that Mister Big Time also asked about in one of his "Which Celebrity House Was This #19" at the end of November. The inside of Mister Reznor's Appian Way house was tolerable, barely, but outside looked like a damn vinyl sided tract house in suburban Toledo.

Okay, we got things to do today kids, so we're not going to drag this one out much than we already have. Mister Reznor's new digs are wedged into a crazy shaped parcel of land that snakes from Summitridge Drive down to Ferrari Drive in a way that makes no damn sense to Your Mama. But then again, we are not an engineer or an urban planner so what the devil do we know about that sort of thing?

The white stucco house features 3,981 square feet of gated and warmly contemporary space with high ceilings, walls of windows and long views to the east and the west. Listing information for the property indicates that in addition to the two story living room, family room, eat in kitchen and dining room, there are 5 bedroom sand 4.5 bathrooms including a second floor master suite with a sweet terrace overlooking the canyon below.

Out back, along the property line, stretches a lovely and long newly built lap pool for exercising, which is nice in theory, but something Your Mama makes it a point never to do with any regularity. In our mushy gin soaked mind, swimming pools are for taking cooling dips on warm days and not working up a damn sweat.

Alright then. This morning, with the help of our ever present and always helpful pal Lucy Spillerguts, Your Mama cleared up two of Mister Big Time's celebrity real estate mysteries. Now leave us alone until we can get some caffeine running in our blood.


  1. Reznor's fascination with the Charles Manson gang murder of Sharon Tate and friends is unsettling to say the least. His new home, while nice enough I suppose, is not something I'd want or pay what he did for it.

  2. i have to agree with 7:08AM. it's nice and all, but not 4 million bucks worth of nice. i hope he's happy there though... he doesn't seem to be happy a lot, and this place looks bright and cheery and maybe that would help him quite a bit. big hugs, sunny

  3. Did the old pool slide off the cliff? F-O-U-RRRRR!
    Zestimate was $4,502,858 w/ only 3 baths.
    I like the see the see-thru FP in LR but would have expected a small seating area on exterior side. Also the front entry could use some punch.

  4. Mmm, mmm, mmm Trent is one uber-sexay guy! Thanks Mama for this one as you made my day! In fact you make everyday a little bit better with your wry humor and your way with words.

  5. Tidbits of useless information - I lived in New Orleans for quite some time and was pretty close friends with Trent. The recording studio in NO used to be a funeral home. The game room had an old electric chair. The house he had on 1st and Colisseum was exquisite.

  6. Oh My Gawd, Mama, is that a f**king chain link fence I see at the end of the property???

    For in excess of $4M? Surely they could have come up with something better than that.

    The house looks staged to within an inch of its life; any ideas, aunt mary, who the culprit is? That nasty lady with the Toyota, perhaps?

  7. Staging Lady With A Toyota isn't nasty! She may not have the budget (or lack of a gag reflex) like your Big Gay Decorator bf but she does the best she can.

    Now go back in your corner before the people that came for Louella are knocking at your door.

  8. This is actually a wonderful contemporary designed by Hagy Belzberg. I showed this house when it was listed 4 years ago... and there have been several improvements since then. One of the hallmarks of this home is that it is a very warm contemporary/architectural with the use of a lot of wood elements. It is in an extremely private setting. I showed Trent homes before, and he is an intelligent man. He will be very happy there.

  9. 8:10 is right -- Reznor's house in the Garden District was very nice.

    I would never buy a house if it meant I had to go up and down Summit Drive all the time. It's like Subdivision Hell, with a seemingly limitless supply of big, ugly houses crowded onto too-small lots and built hard on the road as it zigs and zags up the hill -- a claustrophobic canyon of ostentation.

  10. Sorry, my bad - I meant to say "nasty Toyota!"

    I think Louella is on an extended trip to Alcapulco having the pool boy's pecs enhanced . . .

  11. Yes!Trent has a certain sex appeal. But IMO he looked much better about 5 years ago. Very hot indeed. Okay, now about the new house. Unlike Trent, it seems the front of this house didn't look any better 5 years ago than it does today. Personally, I like Summitridge, even if most of the houses are built to the curb. The interior of Trent's new house is where this place starts to rock. Seems to project a very masculine tone. With some pieces from Mimi London mixed in with some from Blackman Cruz, I could move right in... except I'm sure Trent already has a love-uh and anway I could never leave Caveman (he's got too much dirt on me!). As for Trent's former pad on Appian Way, I have to say that most (but not all) of the homes on that street are homely. To think his old place was not actually one of the ugly ones! Boring, mom & pop Wisconsin style to be sure, but not precisely ugly. I used to live about 5 doors west of that house during one of my former relationships, in a house built on the cheap (and I do mean cheap). And THAT house was truly Fugly! But with views that went on forever, it was a great pad nonetheless. Appian Way was a strange street back then, with some interesting neighbors (like moi), one of whom kept a 10yr old white Rolls in the drive way, complete with the top smashed down/windshield demolished and cobwebs starting to accumulate underneath. Rumor was that the owner rolled it down Sunset Plaza one night in a drunken stooper and had it towed back. All so she could irritate her ex who all but worshipped that car when it was his. Now that's hitting rock bottom, Uber white trash style.

  12. Hey Hippie Canyon. It's actually the stretch of Summit between, say, Cove and Dawnridge that drives me crazy. To borrow a line from Amadeus, there are too many notes -- too much of everything, all in one place, a cornice-festooned architectural pile-on. And I realize this impression might place me in a demographic of one :)

    Also, that's a funny story about the trashed Roller.

  13. Hmm. I like it.The front could use some punching up, but everything else is nice. Love that living room with mile high windows and ceilings.

  14. Staging Lady with Toyota:

    Kudos for eye foolery in the narrow hall (cough...dining room). Nobody will notice the lack of room to move the chairs out from behind them to be seated, let alone see the lack of room for access between chairs and wall. You're so close to winning that shiney pink Toyota. But don't get too high on your horse. I'll be watching you between now and our gala holiday pot luck. Don't forget to bring those fancy sweet potato, whatever the heck you called it.

  15. i think hippie should be featured on mama's new show.

  16. Who is going to climb up a 30 foot wobbly ladder sliding around on that shiny slick floor to dust those tchotches on the top shelf in that living room? The ax murderers have full view to every nook and cranny. Like that chain link fence will keep them out. You could throw a cot between the island and fridge for some privacy.

    Hippie, you are so funny, chile. I just love your accent!

    Kids, remember the season and let's be nice to the staging lady who is at this very moment hauling ass from Pier 1 to BedBathand Beyond looking for half price shit knocked down another third.

    Now I want everyone's sympathy as I spend all my day tending the litter pans of snooty kitties of out of town friends. The surly little beasts.

  17. Not a bad house but I absolutely detest that pool. Lap pool? Good lord for over 4 million I want a water park extravaganza regardless of how tasteless it is.

  18. Seriously. Is that a chain link fence? That is all I'm seeing. Whatever it is not photogenic. The house is okay. Don't care one little bit about Trent Reznor or pools.

  19. aunt mary, when are they gonna give you a Hummer to drive that shit around in?

  20. I don't think it's chain link... looks like one of those mod plexiglass view fences like you see on the rooftops in LA and San Francisco to me...

  21. Chain link? Might be. Kick up your screen view to 200% (lower right corner). What do you see? I'm guessing chain link. What do I know.

  22. It just looks kind of weak and thin like my cocktail right about now.

  23. Sorry, staging lady, I got you confused with aunt mary!

    Big Gay Decorator just returned from a buying trip to Argentina (lovely antiques in San Telmo!) and gave me a nerve pill after I told him about the chain link fence . . .

    . . . now all the terlits in our house look like orange bulldozers . . .

    I want my Mama!

  24. Anyone here seen my sweet lil' gay boy?

    He was so distraught over that damn chain link fence that I finally had to slip him a Rohypnol I brought back from Argentina (easy to get - just go into any pharmacy and ask for it!)

    Anyway, he got up from the computer to go to the bathroom and I haven't seen him since; the doorman said he saw him in the lobby muttering something about orange bulldozers and the Aurora isn't in the garage . . .

    If any of you hear from him, please return him to 740 Park, please.


    Big Gay Decorator

  25. Trent is a PETA activist, he probably had the Zebra rug taken out!

  26. Here is a creepy tidbit, The zebra rug in the living room is near identical to the one found at the Cielo Dr. house where the Tate murders took place & Trent Reznor once resided ( look at any of the crime scene photos ).Just thought it was kinda creepy.

  27. Thanks for the post - I admit, my Trent obsession has been satisfied. (at least for the next few months)

  28. I have to admit that although I would love to protect Trent's privacy etc, I love seeing his house! It's great to see where the people I idolise live... where his ideas are formed.

    Ahhh... satisfaction 100%!!

  29. jesus hippie, nothing is wrong with wisconsin homes, and not all of wisconsin homes are mom and pop style. Bad assumption. Bad assumption. You know what they say: the reason why assumption is spelled with two s's is because it makes an ass out of both you and me. J/k all laughs and cuddles. I hope Reznor finds happiness in his new home... and i hope he will get a pool that isnt completely useless- as in you can swim in it

  30. I heard that hes done renovations to this entire house. It probably looks nothing like the photos anymore. I love Trent Reznors work. He is a hard worker that makes real deep music that can touch you, unlike this modern day pop shit. I hope he finds the happiness he deserves in his new home.

  31. if you have google earth the coordinates are 34° 6'2.66"N 118°25'10.53"W

  32. I'd like to lay around Mr. Trent Reznor's pool at his home in Beverly Hills, and to with him to other nice places.


  33. Not my kind of place. It maybe a coincidence but Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski lived at 1600 Summitridge before renting Cielo. Trent's house is listed as 1663 Summitridge.


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