Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Little Steven Spielberg Gossip

According to the real estate gossip gurls at Newsday, rumors and whispers abound that the Los Angeles based and exuberantly rich film director Steven Spielberg may be expanding his Georgica Pond holdings in glitzy and ritzy East Hampton. Anyone who has ever been to the Hamptons already knows that Mister Spielberg and his lovely wifey Kate Capshaw have long owned a sprawling Gwathmey Seigel designed compound on multiple parcels on Apaquogue Road,which just a short walk in flip flops to Georgica Beach.

The neighborhood, widely considered to be one of the better locations in the Hamptons if you can afford it, is positively littered with the rich and famous including writer Nora Ephron, real estate billionaire Steven Roth, and just around the corner is big bad Martha Stewart's meticulously maintained mansion on Lily Pond Lane.

Here's what's being reported and gossiped all up and down Main Street in East Hampton: A 3.3 acre property fronting Georgica Pond (pictured above) and just two doors down from Mister Spielberg's contemporary compound was for sale with a $19,950,000 asking price. The well located property recently went to contract, and everyone wonders if it's being purchased for Mister Spielberg through the very same California-based attorney whose name appears on the property records for his other Apaquogue Road properties. Not surprisingly, the attorney, Gerald Breslauer, declined to comment.

According to listing information, the property includes a classic 4,500 square foot shingled summer cottage with 6 bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms, two living rooms, two fireplaces, two kitchens and a "commodious" porch, an excellent feature for sitting quietly sipping stiff gin and tonics with a big book or a pile of glossy tabs and listening to the waves crash in the not so far distance. An additional building includes a three car garage with an attached 2 bedroom and 1 bath guest quarters. Or more likely staff rooms because let's be honest, most of the really rich people out in the Hamptons don't summer without at least a couple of staff to cater to their every summer whim.

The children will note that these days $19,950,000 might buy a nice sized property fronting posh Georgica Pond, but it will not get you a swimming pool, a tennis court or air conditioning. And it may not even buy you heat because Your Mama is not even sure this house has a modern heating system. According to a Hamptons real estate agent interviewed by the real estate gossip gurls at Newsday, the property is probably being purchased as a tear down because, "It's all about land value."
Here's what perplexes Your Mama and has our little pea brain tied up in knots. What does a man like Steven Spielberg need with yet another screamingly expensive property on Apaquogue Road? Especially one that is not even contiguous with his current summer residence (pictured above). One might not be foolish to think his big ass compound with at least four residential structures, a swimming pool, acres of perfectly maintained lawn and a barn and riding ring would be enough to house and host his family and friends. Right? But if we've said it once, we've said it a thousand times, who is Your Mama to question the real estate machinations of the famous and ridiculously rich?

Photo: Richard Bryant/Arcaid


  1. Good morning mama, congrats on the ads. Click. Click. Click. I like how the pictures pop up now. I like how the comments window stays up and changes with each post's comments when you click on comment. Now mama, can you fix it so the comments are more compact like paragraphs? Like they used to be? Can you believe how whiney and naggy chilrens can be. Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee. Kisses sweet mama.

  2. Hi Aunt Mary,

    The comments window on my computer is nice and compact. Not sure why it appears differently on your computer. Hmm.

  3. The commments pop-up on my computer is narrow and tall, too. Don't why yours is different, aunt mary. Mama, could I suggest the title heading carry over to comments section(like it used to). I like that it changes with each post but it's also easy to loose track of which post it is.

  4. ya mama, & while you're at it, get me a beer & a sandwich

  5. Everything's perfect on my display, Mama.

    Could you give us an update on 15 Central Park West? I know that there are some high profiles in there and that closings have started.


  6. I love the Spielberg compond - it's stunning ... Perhaps a litle aerial pic for the children who don't know the property - it's best viewed from the air.

  7. Here are pics of the interior of his main house out there:

  8. I could swear the house in question once belonged to Chevy Chase. He had a house in the Hamptons that looked exactly like this one listed a few years ago.

  9. It's a dollhouse for the wee-Spielberg's. No heat...roughing it. Give the little bastards a taste of the real world.

  10. Thanks, mama and all y'all for chiming in. Maybe it's a Microsoft "Vista" thing. That's what's on my laptop. :(

  11. aunt mary, what browser are you using? I use IE 7 on Vista and the comments come out just peachy.

  12. I'm using IE 7 on Vista. Oh, well. Thanks.

  13. Aunt Mary,come join us,it won't hurt one bit.Apple is the future.

  14. Apple people are such proselytizers. Thanks but no. I never admit to having taken the wrong path. I make my bed and lie in it. Broken springs and all. But if no one was looking, I'd love to try one out. :) A Mac that is.

    It sounds like Mama Cooter likes the status quo also. I can just visualize her house. Do you think that style will ever be resurrected and raved about like the 50's crap that I grew up with? Does anyone need a chrome dinette set with turquoise padded chairs? Oh, and how about some "blonde" furniture. It looks good against a wallpaper with huge banana leaves and orange flowers.

  15. it is about privacy - you buy up all the land around you and then you control it so no one can build huge mcmansions around you.

    Happens where I live to.

    After all what else is he going to do with all that lovely cash?

  16. Aunt Mary how much do you want for that dinette set?

  17. Nope I think he is going to build a bigger better rambling gambrel. You know the ones with 12,000 sq. and nice new cedar siding. And all white kitchen. That or he's going to build a place to keep the family when they come for a visit.

    ps thanks Mama for the hamptons update and
    who ever suppled the pics thanks as well

  18. This is jus plain GREED!..Here in New Zealand, one of our cities, Christchurch, is in ruins due to a LARGE earthquake, there are thousands without water, power, and food, shelter..So Mr Spielberg, am not impressed with you with all these houses you own and people going on how this is, and how stately this is, what a load of bs!

    New Zealand.


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