Monday, December 24, 2007

Light the lights...

Happy Holidays children! Happy belated Channukah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Christmas! Or whatever else you celebrate or don't celebrate this time of year.

Your Mama has parties to attend, presents to open from the always generous Dr. Cooter, gifts to wrap for our long bodied bitches Linda and Beverly, a mean ol' pussy cat named Sugar to make nice-nice with, and friends and family to feel all warm and fuzzy about.

Now get off the damn computer and go be with your people and leave Your Mama alone for a day or two while we get our holiday on without you people fussing and fighting like dimwitted and boozed up buffoons in a tawdry little roadside bar trying to woo the big boobed lezbeeun barmaid.

Photo: Casa Sugar


  1. Happy Holidays Mama and thank you for the real estate presents you give us children every day.

    In the end, the best real estate this time of year is your own home for the holidays. Cheers all!

  2. Have a wonderful and relaxing holiday, Mama. You've certainly earned it.

    Happy Holidays to all!

  3. "Now get off the damn computer and go be with your people and leave Your Mama alone for a day or two while we get our holiday on without you people fussing and fighting like dimwitted and boozed up buffoons in a tawdry little roadside bar trying to woo the big boobed lezbeeun barmaid"

    ....hallmark couldn't have said it better.

  4. Happy Christmas Mama!

  5. Beautiful pink tree!! Check this one out: My first christmas tree
    Merry Christmas to you all!!!

  6. Joy and blessings to all who post here, especially to Our Mama who brings us fun and juicy news each day.

  7. Mele Kalikimaka Mama.
    Realestalker is a daily gift of delicious entertainment for the ever hungry children.

  8. Well Mama you know little old me now that I've got my new pink Toyota I thought I'd just go pink,I was reading some pamphlets about all that green stuff and it sounds so,well,drab.So pink it is.Risky styling mixing the gold and silver boxes though don't you think?
    Oh and the Toyota IS a hybrid so back off.

  9. Hi Mama, Strapping Hunk reporting in. The G-5 was late taking off in Santa Monica. We had to wait for one of those TV Actresses on a cookie cutter show...for god sakes (Law & Order). Anyway, the J. Walker Blue Lable sits at peace, on the rocks, next to me, while I report in 35,000 feet above the Alantic enroute for a nice stay in Provence Luberon - Mirabeau. We have the entire estate to ourselves. Merry Christmas and keep the stories coming in 08' I'll have dirt when I get back before I have to report back to the studio. Strapping Hunk out!

  10. Strapping Hunk,I want to join the mile high club with you!

  11. Happy Holidays Mama! Once again I must say that I can't stand Strapping Hunk and I am quite sure he is drinking beer out of a brown paper bag in his mom's basement.

  12. happy holidays babe!


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