Monday, December 10, 2007

Crime and Misdemeanors in LA

Since this blog is really meant to be a discussion about celebrity real estate, we would normally leave a discussion about crime statistics to the fine folks over at Curbed LA or one of the other many real estate blogs focussed on life in LA. However, since there has been so much chatter and commentary on this blog over the last six months about crime levels and popo response time in the Hancock Park area, we thought we'd tackle the issue head on this morning.

Some say the area is perfectly safe while others say it's a lawless ghetto where homeless people crap on your lawn and hooligans run wild and unchecked by the LAPD. So naturally, being the curious and nosy type that we are, we wanted to know...what are the real crime statistics?

Your Mama, with the help of the always helpful Lucy Spillerguts, took to the internets and fidgeted and finagled with the LAPD Crime Map to look up reported crimes in the Hancock Park area over the last seven days, which is what the map above indicates. All the fraidy cat children who are always going on about how crime infested Hancock Park is can see that there was only one reported crime there in the last seven days. That's right kids, one.

The crime was a grand theft auto situation on the fourth of December that took place on the 1400 block of McCadden at 1:30 in the afternoon. Incidentally, there was also a grand theft auto crime on the fourth of December on the 1500 block of Doheny Drive, right on the border of West Hollywood and Beverly damn Hills too.

Now that we've cleared that up, shall we discuss the crime wave that has swept through Bel Air and Beverly Hills over the last few years?


  1. That place is very safe, esp the gated community, top notch security, and they do not fool around. I lived outside of the gated area a few years ago, no problems, no noise, police were on patrol 24/7, lovely neighborhood.

  2. btw I do know that bel air and beverly hills have had problems recently, a friend of mine had to double his security force, he has a huge estate in bel air and these crooks would scale the walls and try to break in. Little did they know they were dealing with armed security on the premises, they were caught and it turned out that the one of the maids was a part of it, what a shame, he paid her very well to.

    His place has not been hit since although his neighbors have been robbed a few times, the officials are trying to keep these robberies under wraps.

    I live in a highrise, no crime there.

  3. The officials are not trying to keep crime in west L.A under wraps - everything is published. If they wanted to keep it quiet then LAPD wouldn't have created the hillside burglary task force or whatever it's called & armed patrols such as ACS & Bel Air Patrol usually report any kind of disturbance & make it public for other clients in the area.

    Ed, If the maid was in on it didn't she tell the 'crooks' that there were armed guards on the premises? seems like something all employees would know unless your imagination is running wild once again.

    As for Hancock Park, well people only diss it b/c they likely can't afford to live there ... It's not anymore dangerous than other wealthy parts of L.A ... people just get the wrong idea b/c it's next to not so nice areas whereas Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Palisades etc.. are not.

  4. Hancock Park is a great area and for someone who wants to party in Hollywood and shop in West Hollywood it's really ideal.

  5. 1400 block of N. McCadden is no more Hancock Park than Hollywood Blvd. 1400 block of S. McCadden is Miracle Mile. Mama better do her homework before she and Lucy Spillguts write about Hancock Park. I live in Hancock Park and the 1400 block of N. or S. McCadden are definitely not Hancock Park.

  6. I'm guessing Mama simply transcribed the wrong address -- the blue dot on the map she included looks to be the 600 block of N McCadden.

  7. anon 748

    I did not say west LA, I said bel air, beverly hills, there is a huge difference.

  8. anon 7:48, if these crooks can scale walls some as high as 20 feet, other than that it is impossible to get in, do you think they are worried about neighborhood patrols ?

    here is a link

  9. Hancock Parker you better check your sources and do your homework cause Hancock Park's west side boarder is Highland and this street is one block of east of it.

  10. Yes, 1400 block of N McCadden is in Hollywood close to Sunset Blvd... it's a street with 2-3houses, one huge apartment building and the rest are commercial buildings, Rite Aid etc.

    I agree that dot looks to be at the 600 block of McCadden or so..

    Hancock Park is absolutely not a bad area... as you go south of Wilshire there are spotty places (many of them NOT officially Hancock Park).

    I have a client that lives south of Pico and calls his place Hancock Park.. it most certainly isn't. Don't be fooled children!

  11. Oh sorry I just double checked and this home is on Mansfield not McCadden you are right Hancock Parker that is not Hancock Park. That's Mircle Mile or Hancock Park Adjancent.

  12. I don't think it's news: if "they" want to get in, they will. That goes for any home, anywhere. I believe the bad guys' DO fear being caught, but they process that sensation as a thrill. Mama is doing her part to foster continued dialogue on the pervasive pitfalls of complacency by us and by our law enforcement. The VF article was very informative. Sorry, feel like I'm preaching and am sure someone's going to jump all over me.

  13. I live in Hancock Park and would say it's about as safe as any other upscale neighborhood in L.A.
    Occasionally there are some serious armed robberies or home invasions, but every other neighborhood has that also. Most of the crime in the neighborhood involves break-in's to cars left on the street. Also, corner houses with walls facing high traffic streets get an tagged.
    Most of the homes in Hancock Park are well fortified, (alarm signs, private patrol and perimeter fencing. I don't like paying close to $100 bucks a month for security, but that's the going rate for full service private protection. Bottom line, there is crime everywhere in the Los Angeles area. Hancock Park is no worse then any other L.A. neighborhood with million dollar plus homes.

  14. Seriously Ed ... Once again you're arguing with yourself ... Bel Air / Beverly Hills etc.. is considered the WESTSIDE therefore when I said west L.A thats what I was meaning. So, b/c a criminal can scale a 20ft wall he's not afraid of armed patrols? what? I really don't see your logic - EVER!

    My main point was that your 'friend' lives in a huge 'estate' in Bel Air ... You claimed he had been burgled twice & the maid was in on it but he had his on private guards on his property ... In that case, if the maid was in on it didn't she tell her accomplices [burglars] that there were armed guards on the property? What burglar is gonna invade a home thats protected by private guards? NONE! & what maid wouldn't know that the estate she works at has private guards? You're story sounds B.S ... as per usual.

  15. Also, all I said was that ACS / Bel Air Patrol publish all disturbances / crime ... What has that to do with scaling walls? You really are totally gone with it - go take your medication then perhaps I'll be able to understand you.

  16. The LAPD crime map shows a grand theft auto on 12/04/07 at 600N McCadden Place & Clinton Street (Hancock Park), the pop up information reads 14XX McCadden (Hollywood). Mansfield Ave (where the new home for one of the Olsen twins is located) is indeed in the Miracle Mile area.

    I have lived in the Hancock Park area since the mid nineties and I have never felt unsafe. Lovely, lively neighborhood.

  17. Deja Vu?

    "Ed" just posted a link about crime in Bel Air/Beverly Hills on a discussion about crime in Hancock Park....

    Didn't "Phoenix" post the EXACT SAME ARTICLE on a discussion about Hancock Park just before he departed in a huff?

  18. Now, now, Ed, sweetheart. Please put down that mouse and step back from the ledge of our luxurious high rise with impressive views...somewhere. We'll have some ice cream and a big fat vitamin; maybe two. Uncle Jack will tuck you in and read you a story. Yes, my little cherub, I promise.

  19. Mrs Ed, You are a saint. Come it to the club and see me sometime and I'll give you a free lapdance. And my partner will drop off some more tranquilizers by your traile...uhmm "highrise".

  20. Hey girl at the bar get me a double.Everyone around here is talking shit again!

  21. Ed talks to much to, he should keep his comments to himself.....

    You hear me Ed ?

    put a lid on it !!! we do not care about anything you have to say, you sound like a bored servant with to much time on his hands !!!

  22. Maybe "ed" is the doorman at a Wilshire Corridor highrise and his musings are from the snippets of conversation he hears from people with real careers and education while he is holding open the door.

  23. The LAPD is completely understaffed compared to the NYPD and Chicago PD...Sure LA's population is less than NY's but there is wayyy more square mileage to cover. It seems like the criminals must know that it's going to take a damn hour to respond and take full advantage of this. It just seems like a free for all to attract the criminal element in LA sometimes. It seems to just be a free-for-all in terms of home invasions and burglaries in Encino and other Mulholland corridor neighborhoods.

  24. YAWN...The "LA is a hot bed of crime" hysteria is getting as bad as the "LA real estate prices are going to drop 1000%".

    No one is posting actual FACTS to support their claims, which our lovely Mama has. I say post some actual, real (not newspaper articles) statistics that can be verified or go whine somewhere else and let the rest of us enjoy our real estate porn.


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