Sunday, October 7, 2007

Tyler Perry Shows Spread to Kanye West

SELLER: Tyler Perry
LOCATION: Beverly Ridge Terrace, Beverly Hills P.O., CA
SIZE: 22 acres
PRICE: $15,000,000
DESCRIPTION: Rare opportunity to own approximate 22 acres in one of the most exquisite and prestigious neighborhoods in Beverly Hills with expansive mountain/city views. This magnificent property is currently under construction, with plans for an approximate 22,000 Sq/ft Tuscan style home (the foundation and steel framing is already in place). Tennis court pad has been graded. Long dramatic driveway leads to this impressive promontory. Price is "As Is" - Not a complete home.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Apparently size matters to Mister Kanye West. Your Mama hears from a tipster we'll call Baby Bear, that the hissy fit throwing singer/rapper, who was once again rebuffed at the VMAs, recently spent some time wandering comedian Tyler Perry's nearly undeveloped 22-acre property in the super luxe guard gated Beverly Ridge Estates that has popped up on the market for $15,000,000.

Property records show that Mister Perry, who made vast sums of money dressing up as a sassy and saggy boobed old woman named Madea, purchased the 22-acre hill top plot of land in April of 2004 for an undisclosed sum of money. Listing information shows that Mister Perry intended to build a 22,000 square foot Mediterranean behemoth on the property, and in fact the land has already been graded and the foundation and steel framing already in place. Apparently he's changed his mind.

Mister Perry has been making all sorts of real estate moves lately, including selling an ocean front house in Malee-boo in April of 2007 which property records reveal was sold for $4,800,048. Although reports at the time stated Mister Perry wanted to spend more time at the large spread he owns outside af Atlanta, GA, property records indicate that in November of 2006 Mister Perry actually purchased a 8,751 square foot monstrous modern confection high up on Blue Jay Way in the Bird Streets for a $9,600,096. Lesson to ambitious drag queens around the world, sometimes wearing a dress can really pay off big.

Anyhoo, the children will remember that the guard gated Beverly Ridge Estates is the very same uber exclusive development where boy Paris (Latsis) bought gurl Paris (Hilton) an 11,206 square foot Mediterranean mansion back when they were stoopidly toying around with the idea of getting married. Now of course, gurl Paris has long moved on to her new house in Mulholland Estates, and no one who reads the tabs cares about boy Paris anymore.

No word on whether Kanye West, who very recently plunked down $7,150,000 for a 3,299 square foot fixer on N. Crescent Drive in the flats of Beverly Hills, will actually purchase Perry's 22 acre property. If you ask Your Mama, and of course, no one did, we think think he should. Twenty two acres and 22,000 square feet should be just about enough space to house Mister West's prodigious ego.


  1. Mama, I know you're the first to advise a new homeowner to hire a nice gay decorator. And I couldn't agree with you more, except in the case where there is not yet a house. In this case, and looking at those "mountains", I'd hire me a nice nerdy geologist to poke around with a stick. I do love the beauty of SoCal and entirely understand the desire to want to live there, but with no water and shaky ground........... I'll shut up now.

  2. I can't believe how much property this is, and how huge the planned home is.

    I wonder why Tyler Perry is dumping this before the cement even dries on the foundation??? Is he flaky like Britney? Or cash poor and just realized it? Or cash rich and wants something different?

    Also, I don't understand Tyler Perry's success. I think most non-African American have not heard of him, and I'm really amazed that he has the money for this property and the others Mama mentions. Or maybe he doesn't...

  3. I can't believe there was a 22 acre piece of land undeveloped out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 22 acres in Beverly Ridge? - sounds like a typo b/c most properties are only a couple of acres ... anyways, out of every celebrity on the planet I probably detest Kanye West the most so perhaps he should move here & never leave ... Though Beverly Ridge is the poor mans Beverly Park, except in the case of Paris Latsis ... who, after splitting with girl Paris bought a nice new modern on Beverly Crest Dr me thinks ...

  5. I find Perry's work unfunny and sanctimonious. But god bless anyone who figures out how to make lots of money entertaining people.

    Layler: TBS ordered 100 episodes of House of Payne this summer in a deal estimated at $200 million.

    Up near Mulholland Drive, acreage often drops into the canyons and is typically unbuildable. From aerial shots, this property looks like it has a couple of flat building pads covering only a fraction of its (entirely plausible) 22 acres.

  6. The Santa Monica mountains are rock and this land is easily buildable. Just because there have been a few (relative to the total number of homes) that were built poorly and therefore slid does not mean the whole area is dangerous. In fact, one is safer with a house in the hills on bedrock than in the flat where the loose soil liquifies during an earthquake.

    22 acres is a large piece of land, but small compared to the vacant 157 acres that Herbalife founder Mark Hughes bought from Merv Griffin. Hughes died before he got around to building. Both pieces of land are not completly buildable but what the matter, build a house in the middle and the surrounding canyons keep the paps from getting those photos of nude sunbathing.

    Not only am I white, I know a lot of white folks who have heard of Tyler Perry. But maybe that is because we are in Los Angeles. I love me some Madea, and House Of Payne is funny. The positive message at the end of the plays/movies may come off heavy sometimes but I guess it offsets all the hip-hop/rap videos with their negative messages.

  7. ^ yeah, but we're talking 22 acres in a gated community.

  8. In the canyons, acreage can be misleading if you don't know the topography. An acre might mean a quarter acre of buildable land, with the balance going up or down a steep hill. Five acres might yield a usable acre. And so forth.

    Lots of space, yes, but the buildable portion is often near the road. As is the case with this property. In practical terms it would feel like living on a few acres that back up to a canyon. Not on a sequestered estate buffered from everyone else by acres and acres of land.

    The vast Griffin-flattened property would be a definite exception to this rule.

  9. Wow!! So Tyler Perry is the current owner of that house at the end cul-desac on Blue Jay Way?? That is an awsome house! That home was renovated and flipped by Jeff Bleuth of City Corp Ventures. They did an awesom job!

  10. 22 acres is very believable, but as was said before, most of it is probably hilly and unbuildable. If you can build 20,000 sq ft you've got something!

    On another note, his Blue Jay Way house is my dream house (aside from not enough parking to accomodate the club downstairs). Most magnificent space ship views I've seen of LA and I feel like I've been in half the homes on the hill!

  11. The Blue Jay Way house had me drooling. Thanks for the link Esoterik.

  12. I accompanied a friend who looked at that Blue Jay place & the views are definitely amazing but it's not a home - it's merely a penis extension! It lay on the market for quite some time though didn't it?

  13. Thanks for the additional info, folks.

    Sorry, I never heard of "House of Payne." I thought this $$ was all from those Madea movies.

    Wow, that Blue Jay Way house is incredible.

  14. I love the Blue Jay house. The views are incredible. Not feeling the proposed house, though. And I don't think it is Kanye's style either. But Mama, why not give us pics of the fixer Mr. West recently purchased. Tyler Perry's success puzzles me. But good for him.

  15. Mr. Perry must be having some money issues. Not a lot of people just leave a foundation, especially in Bev Hills.
    There's something going on with him or the land that no one is talking about.

  16. That house on Blue Jay Way might be the most daring and excellent spec ever built in Los Angeles. Design at the garage level is a bit awkard and clunky -- not nearly as crisp as everything above -- but it's goddamn sweet otherwise.

    I imagine expensive modern (initial asking price was $14 million or $15 million, right?) is harder to sell than expensive it-could-be-Tuscan-or-maybe-they-were-going-for-Andalusian. I wasn't surprised it didn't sell instantly.

  17. Depends on what one wants or is willing to do with the land. We have a situation going on in my neighborhood with someone who bought a couple of lots that together comprise about 4 acres with a ravine right in the middle where one would get maximum privacy. His plan (being opposed by his neighbors) is to FILL the ravine so he can build there.

    Now that is a situation where I would agree with Aunt Mary.

  18. The Blue Jay place sat on the market for 18 months or thereabouts. Went for less than $9M.

  19. I love the 22 acres and I agree he should buy it too because it is hard to find lots that large. What I do not love is that danged Holiday Inn or Marriott Courtyard-like structure that is slated to be put on the land. Unless Mister West plans to rent out rooms, I would build something that looks more like a house.

  20. Looking at the photos again, it's possible they could rent the foundation and the steel that's been placed to "The Biggest Loser." The contestants could all sleep in tents.

    I mean, c'mon! Trump did it! ;-)

    They could make some money off it the way it is now and get some new house plans drawn...

  21. to think, he used to be homeless..



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