Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Nic Cage Wakes to Find Naked Man...

...wandering around his $22,000,000 Newport Beach, CA mansion...and trying on his jacket!
Reports say Mister Cage escorted the intruder outside and then called the gated community's security who in turn called the police. There were no signs of a break in and reportedly, the nood intruder gave Mister Cage no trouble or hassle.

Strange but true.


  1. Okay Mama...I want to know just how many homes Nic Cage actually owns. And does he actually live/stay in every one of them??

  2. I won't say how I know... but let it suffice to say, the jacket was NOT Dolce Gabbana. The label had been sewn in (housekeeper?). And if that was a size 39 US, I'll eat my Sunday hat! Oh, and the place was a TOTAL wreck!!! We're talking empty Jack Daniel bottles on every table, and gothic furniture that made no sense whatsoever!

  3. When Nic goes home after a hard day's action heroing, how does he know which house to go to? Is it a roll of the dice or does the driver set the GPS to 'home' and let it decide?

    Stephanie - last count was 14 I think.

  4. Talk about no yard!!

    Nice boat, though.

    It's scary to be a celebrity these days, and this just reinforces Mama's decision not to publish street addresses, and her admonishment not to be a REAL Real Estalker. Got to give Cage credit for getting this guy out of his house, especially considering that he (Cage) has a small child.

  5. It doesn't matter if Mama publishes the address - it's a guard gated community - clearly the gate guy & the patrol guys aren't doing their job correctly.

  6. Not to defend a creepy stalker, but if you live in Newport Beach on the water, anyone with access to a boat (even a rowboat) could gain access to your property. They even have harbor cruises that point out which homes belong to famous in this case, it wouldn't really matter if someone gave out his address...

  7. Stephanie's right. And there is the possibility that it was just some neighbor kid -- high on whatever -- wandering around.

    Re: the size of the yard. At a little over a half-acre, this is a massive lot by waterfront Newport standards. On Balboa Island, where I live, the standard lot is 2,500 square feet; Lido Isle, 3,500 square feet; Linda Isle, 4,000 square feet. Most of Bayshore, where Cage lives, has similar dimensions. So most of these multi-million dollar beach houses make do with a large patio.

  8. Oh, and about the gate -- it's more of a formality than anything. No actual gate, just a little rent-a-guard hut. More about keeping non-residents out than holding crazed fans at bay.

    Anyhow, I imagine it would be pretty easy to slip in through the adjacent apartment complex, over the long wall running along the Coast Highway or through the Balboa Bay Club next door. Or at the invitation of anyone who lives inside. Not really security nirvana.

  9. I LOVE Balboa are lucky to live there pch! We are down there every summer. And you are totally right about the Bayshore area...very easy to get into.

  10. so for those keeping score @home, that means there was two nekid crazies in the cage residence that night

  11. I swear he invited me over to discuss a buyer for the Bel Air house. I was naked because I decided to go for a dip, then got cold so I borrowed a jacket.

  12. that nekid guy should have just yelled rape when confronted by cage.
    i would have believed him.

  13. Obviously being on the water you're more open to intruders .. it's the same on Malibu Colony being right on the beach ... but there are guards who patrol the beach 24/7 - not only the main gate ... i'm not sure about this particular development in Newport but I know in Miami on the guarded islands it's common for the guards to also patrol the waters leading to the estates ...

  14. Hippie canyon...I have been in the Cage's house multiples of times and never seen what you describe, although the furniture is not exactly my taste. If you are describing the furniture and bottles as a result of your being there that night as part of the police presence, then you have no credibility for violating facts regarding a police matter. Shame on you......

  15. Was he that dumb to leave a door or window unlocked and no security alarm? Hmmmm

  16. Hi Mama, The Real Strapping Hunk reporting in. How dare someone use my screen name. Really. I was naked in the house because I swam up to the house James Bond style under the cover of darkness. I walked the property and stripped off all my wet clothing from my big strapping hunky body to reveal my very defined six pack abs and muscle butt. Once I gained entry to the house, I searched for a coat. Nic, had told me before to becareful and not to be followed. Our secret meetings were to be kept private. Suddenly, I heard a woman's voice, he we went for the Intruder Cover Story. Reporting live, Mama Strapping Hunk.

  17. According to public records, he paid 4 million in 1994, currently owes 8.5 mil. Tax assessed at 25.5 mil, and he pays taxes of 250K PER YEAR.

    No wonder he does so many movies, gotta pay for ALL of the homes

  18. So what is the address? Would like to drive by the area. Not to break in, of course.

  19. Nic Cage is a very scary man.

  20. Mama, I must be the only one of yur chilrun who wasn't in Nic Cage's house that night. But I am curious about some of the comments the others are making. Is Nic Cage a man of excess on the Eddie Murphy scale? Could you please ask the Dr. Cooter if having 14 houses qualifies as an "issue"? And what makes Nic scary? Oh, and could you check the listings in La Jolla?

  21. In somewhere as small as Newport beach, and with the limited amount of places that a house like this with a boat-dock can be, it's pretty easy to locate

    No, I'm not a stalker :) But linking to this to show the *monstrosity* of a house next to his! In the famous words of David Frost - "Who lives in a house like this".

  22. In case some of you are still wondering, here is the address (formatted to not look like an address, of course to keep the stalkers away :)

    two six nine two Bayshore Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92663

    But yes it is gated so don't try and go for a visit, unless you intend to swim in through the back.

  23. Mike: The property next door used to belong to John Wayne. Now owned by a couple called the Cohens, who tore down the Duke's house and built the current house.

  24. It's Newport beach people,it's just not that interesting.

  25. its funny, we just asked for some newport beach hot properties!

  26. Judging from the mug shots in the news of the intruder, "strapping hunk" is neither "strapping" or a "hunk". But I guess we all knew that already.

  27. don't be so quick to judge the hunk from his mugshot, afterall it was a long night, getting caught by his lovers wife & all.

  28. It's not just the mugshot. There is also the sex tape with Frederic von Anhalt.

  29. What other celebrities live in Newport Beach besides Dennis Rodman?

  30. Don't know if they still live here or not, but here are a few: Kobe Bryant (I think he just built another one here recently, so pretty sure he still lives here), Reggie Jackson, Karl Malone, and I think Gwen Stefani has a house here also.


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