Friday, October 26, 2007

Never Say Never About the Sale of Neverland Ranch

More reports are trickling out about Michael Jackson's flagging and sagging finances. According to a thorough and thoroughly compelling report on Fox News, the once black man, who looks an awful lot like a white lady now days, has defaulted on a $23,000,000 loan that was guaranteed by "Neverland Ranch," his 2,700 acre Santa Ynez Valley playpen for the kiddies. Uh oh.

If the former King of Pop does not cough up the cash to repay the loan, and the near quarter million dollars in interest too, the creditor can and will foreclose on "Neverland Ranch" and force the sale of the property to pay the debt. Oh dear. Most people have read that Miss Thing has financial issues, but it appears things have become dire and the article reports that the child lover may in fact file for bankruptcy within 90 days to get out from under his considerable financial debt and burden.

Many times since Miss Jackson's last legal tangle over an alleged inappropriate relationship with a young boy, the ranch has been rumored to have been sold or just about sold. In April of this year The NY Post reported that "distressed debt guru Bill Huff is in serious negotiations to buy the property." But the sale never happened. Other rumors included tall tales bout the massive ranch being sold on a reality television program. That obviously never came to fruition either.

Since being acquited of child molestation charges, Miss Jackson has been gallivanting across the globe living in in far flung locales such as Bahrain, where he was a guest of a filthy rich royal/patron, and also in Ireland, where he was rumored to have been a guest of Lord of the Dance Michael Flatly. More recently the beleaguered former superstar and father of three very blond babies was living in Las Vegas, where he first shacked up in a leased 16,461 square foot pile a couple miles off The Strip. It was later reported that the Jackson clan moved to another even larger and more lavish Las Vegas estate reportedly owned by Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei.

Jackson's relationships with his Middle Eastern potentate patrons seems to have gone awry. His prince (Abdullah of Brunei) is now suing the pop star for $7,000,000, and the Jackson four plus handlers have decamped from Prince Jefri's Las Vegas estate and are reported to be holed up in a luxury rental in Maryland. Maryland?

Everyone knows that Miss Jackson continues to own the heavily mortgaged Jackson family house on Hayvenhurst in Encino where his parents currently reside, no doubt living on the dwindling dollars of their one time cash cow son. (It's actually been gossiped to Your Mama that big mean daddy Jackson does not actually live at the Jackson family house anymore.) It's also been widely rumored and reported over the years that the the pale faced singer also owns an Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan as well as a Beverly Hills mansion. Your Mama doubts that very much though. The man can barely pay for the make-up on his face let alone the maintenance on properties he does not use.

But then again he hangs on to the scene of the alleged crime in Santa Ynez, so what do we know?

Should "Neverland Ranch" be sold, either voluntarily or as part of a foreclosure proceeding, Your Mama has no doubt the entire mess will be torn down. What mega rich mogul wants Michael Jackson's broke down and leftover Ferris wheel and tarnished Tilt-a-whirl, not to mention the hordes of crazed and deluded fans that camp out on Figueroa Mountain Road?


  1. "But Jackson's relationship with his Bahrainian prince has soured and he was booted from the behemoth estate. The prince is now suing the pop star for $7,000,000"

    He was booted from the Las Vegas estate of Prince Jefri of BRUNEI.

    He's being sued by Prince Abdulla of BAHRAIN.

  2. oh thank you baby, your mama go all confused with the b countries in the middle east. we've done fixed our bad.

  3. ...WHERE IS IT ON Figueroa Mountain Road.. cant seem to locate it from my helicoptor??

    #### Figueroa Mountain Road anyone???

  4. just look for the tarnished ferris wheel!


  5. It is located at 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd, Los Olivos, CA 93441, about 5 miles (8 km) north of unincorporated Los Olivos, Santa Barbara County, California . It was once operated as his private amusement park and home when it opened in 1988.[1] The name Neverland came from the fictional island in the story Peter Pan.

  6. Damn, how many acres is neverland? over 100?/!

  7. Ok anon 4:11...

    get the 411 and look at the post!

    it is over 2000...



    OH, and just a thought.. maybe he should set it on fire, and collect insurance $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  9. You are making a big assumption that he pays his insurance bills.

  10. insurance pays for rebuild, not cash.

  11. Poor poor Michael Jackson,and yes I do mean that children.He is just a child inside and wants to be with children because he never had a childhood of his own.I never thought he was a child molester,just strange.I don't think he is the kind of person who is very interested in sex with anyone.The problem in this country is that if you're a little strange or different then you have to be some kind of freak or pervert in the mind of the general public,or more likely that favorite bugaboo the "child molester".Why is it that the general public thinks all gay men are defacto child molesters? One last thing about his trial,wasn't it obvious that that mother was out for cash?Plus if he was such a serial molester how come no other children cme forward?You would have thought that given the thousands of children who spent time with him,someone else would have said "he molested me too",but no not one.

  12. could MJ be a-sexual ? in other words he has no sexual preference ? that would explain a lot.

  13. If I'm a bigot for having no faith in the general public then so be it,but look who they voted for for president.I rest my case.

  14. I agree with so_chic_darling about public perception. We do broad brush all groups in this country. That's why they are perceived to be distinct groups. Just think about the nature of prejudice. Think of a group of people. Any group. Pro athletes? Rockers? Fat people? Latinos? Blonds? Asians? Models? Cops? Homeless? Farmers? Just like a Rorschach test, you associate a characteristic with each group. Try it. Be honest with yourself. The point so_chic_darling was making that people are unique individuals and we are wrong to make assumptions about them according to our own prejudices. On another note, so_chic, though it's not apropos to this blog discussion, I'm curious about your woeful thoughts on civilization.

  15. Some higher end home insurance policies give you the choice to cash-out so you don't need to go through 3 years of rebuilding. It also saves the insurance company money because they don't have to house your ass and your peoples all those years!

  16. A bigot is someone who is filled with hate.I don't hate anyone I am just filled with disillusion regarding everyone.What I was trying to say is that people often have the WRONG idea about a group of people and that's where stereotypes come from.

  17. Michael should write a tell all book, "The White Lady, If I Did It!" Then he can be arrested for lewd behavior with a minor under 12 in Las Vegas and move into the pokey with OJ and be his white lady Bitch! I love me a happy ending.

  18. Aunt Mary I would be glad to talk a little more about the collapse of civilization as I called it.This is not some post 9/11 thing,i've been thinking about this for a while now.I will use high school kids as one example.I live within blocks of 3 high schools and when they let out at 3pm you had better not be on the sidewalk if you want to live to see another day!Everyday there are fights and police and trouble,my next door neighbor,an older man,was just pushed to the ground the other day by 2 teenage girls.All I can think when I see this is that this is the future of my city/country.Plus just look at our so called culture and all the crap TV and crap high fructose corn syrup foodlike things that people eat,we are getting fatter and more stupid by the minute.Add to that the worst problem of environmental collapse and climate change(China is going to pollute the entire planet)It just doesn't look too good my dear.

  19. Just one more thought on this Aunt Mary.George Bush wants us all to be scared of Bin Laden and his gang,but you are 100 times more likely to die in a car crash than a terrorist attack!Why is it that he never talks about the dangers the whole planet faces from the changing climate?

  20. Kids, can we move this conversation to another neighborhood? A little too heated and off topic for this baby.

  21. Hardly heated and a good discussion. Jackson isn't worth discussing. And what hasn't already been said about him. At best, he's a narcisstic waste of space and parasite who preys on the good nature of anyone stupid enough to befriend, trust, or help him. Better?

  22. Agreed. Fair enough. Amen from this baby. Peace out. Free speech.

  23. So_chic_darling, those high school kids are more afraid of each other than you are of them. Every generation has bemoaned the decline of its youngsters. The wonderful thing is they'll get older. China has a younger generation of only children and a large majority of them are boys. This is due to their one-child-per-family rule. These spoiled young men are finding it hard to find wives. An interesting social experiment to say the least, with a new kind of demographic. Anon, I know this is all off topic but it's a slow news day. I haven't heard any raised voices. I just like to get So_chic_darlings musings. Cheer up dear, there are many more good people than bad, they just don't get in the news. Though I agree that our popular culture is very course. I remember when my grandma first saw Jackie Gleason as Ralph Cramden on the Honeymooners. She was so appalled, she thought the world was coming to an end. And remember it was good ole Harry Truman who dropped the bomb. Oh, well enough of that. I'm more worried about choosing the wrong paint for my walls. I want a very pale gray blue, you have no idea how many choices there are!

  24. Oh, the spelling police will be all over me, the word I wanted was coarse, not course. ;)

  25. Don't you just love the spelling police on blogs? I mean, english is my 3rd language & i'm still a better speller than most of them!

  26. Yes, Maryland. Specifically, Maryland's Eastern Shore... Home to lots & lots of big money, especially in Talbot County. Loads of DC people like Chaney (he can hunt there!) and Rumsfeld have houses there. V. quiet old $$$ like Johnsons of Johnson & Johnson. Mario Boyardi (as in Chef Boy-ar-di). It's still just a rumour that MJ's there. It's not his kind of place.

  27. so_chic_darling said... "You are so right China OWNS us!"

    Better tell Japan, they own considerably more US treasuries than China.

  28. Mamma please post a new house, the children have strayed too far. please get them back to realestate. I have found on a yahoo search that a Beverly Park home is going into foreclosure. I believe the house is owned by Jeanette and Robert Bisno. I also read that Mr. bisno is involved in a lawsuit as he believes he deserves a rent controlled apartment. He was denied rent control as the apartment was not his primary residence. So he is fighting it. Shifty people it looks like. There is also another funny story about the sculpture at thier beverly park home. Please mamma start digging.

  29. Mamma please post a new house, the children have strayed too far. please get them back to realestate. I have found on a yahoo search that a Beverly Park home is going into foreclosure. I believe the house is owned by Jeanette and Robert Bisno. I also read that Mr. bisno is involved in a lawsuit as he believes he deserves a rent controlled apartment. He was denied rent control as the apartment was not his primary residence. So he is fighting it. Shifty people it looks like. There is also another funny story about the sculpture at thier beverly park home. Please mamma start digging.

  30. anon, 9:24 what is the link ? sounds juicy

  31. Looks like Bisno's rent control legal problems were a couple of years ago. From what I just read, I don't agree with the Santa Monica judges. Rent control is rent control. There shouldn't be loopholes for property owners to quadruple the rent. Let's say I buy a house in Big Bear because I can't afford LA prices. But my job is in LA so I rent here. I lose all my legal rent control protections? That's just stupid.

    Bisno was also involved in evicting the Lincoln Place Apartment tenant so yes, he is probably a slimy person anyway.

  32. Isn't Bisno the one all the Beverly Park residents hate? There were lawsuits regarding his gates etc.. I think - not quite sure though but i'm positive it was him ... think Beverly Park Association were suing him ...

  33. I say we break in and pilage the place for ebay items!!!

  34. to the party inquiring at how long the driveway is......long enough to give him time to shower, dress and put to bed his a bite and listen to an entire NKOTB CD.

  35. i posted the original post about the Bisnos. Google Beverly park for sales and you will get the result. It is from a a yahoo realestate page. It says 4 000 000 is in default. And yes they are the ones who fought with the Billioniars accross the street from them. At you can actually see the statue in thier motor court. I find beverly Park very ineteresting. Everything is just so over the top. From the gate houses to the residents to the homes to the residents behavior. The community meetings must be like a meeting of extremely rich circus freaks. Too funny.

  36. To get back onto the 'China will destroy the planet' discussion - I think some of you prophets of doom need to look a little closer to home. I am a European posted in California for work and I cannot believe the selfish pollutant ways of this nation (and perhaps this state above all). Why 80% of drivers here have to own gas-guzzling SUVs - they are a rarity elsewhere in the world and taxed hugely to put potential buyers off - is beyond me. Your supermarkets - even the supposedly 'green' ones such as Wholefoods - use so much unnecessary plastic, non-biodegradable packaging it is untrue. Where I'm from, people recycle far more and refuse plastic bags at checkouts - this very rarely happens here. Nobody walks even a block - that is why people are getting fatter. And let's not forget your 'President' - global embarrasment that he is - refuses to sign climate change treaties that the rest of the developed world complies with.
    I have visited China and it is still a very oppressed nation; but its people say they feel optimistic that their nation's growth will, for the first time, give them a quality of life and help clear the all-too-abundant slums. Yes, their overenthusiastic use/ abuse of the planet's resources is scary; but you cannot tell a country to remain undeveloped and suffer all the problems - poverty, starvation, lack of education and healthcare - associated with that. America, as an educated nation and self-styled 'leader of the free world', has no such excuses. If everyone in this nation alone turned off their lights when they left their houses; bought smaller cars, walked or used public transport a bit more and thought about the plastics poisoning our planet you would make a huge impact on global warming - and set an example for the Chinese and other developing nations to follow. As it is, you are China's biggest customer ('Made in USA' stickers are rarer than intelligent Bush policies)so you really need to practice what you preach.
    Diatribe over, I'm off to call Michael Moore.

  37. I drove right by there a couple weeks ago! I was visiting adorable Solvang and knew Neverland was nearby so thought why not. You can't see anything from the road other than what is shown in the large picture Mama posted. What you don't see in that pic is that there is a boarding school DIRECTLY ACROSS the road. What kind of parents would send their sons to live across from MJ?

    Anyway, the setting is gorgeous with rolling hills and mountains. When it sells, I wouldn't be surprised if the property was used as a working ranch as most of the properties in the area are.

    Hopefully the new owners aren't afraid of tarantulas as they are everywhere (I spotted two in 5 mins). There is even a "tarantula crossing" sign not far from the gates. Ick.

  38. "I am a European posted in California"

    I'm also a European who lives in L.A / N.Y ... where the hell are you from in Europe b/c where I'm from in Europe really isn't that much greener than the U.S - yes, the government have made global warming a huge issue in the U.K but in general most people are still driving around in s.u.v's, flying all the time & everything else ... I mean, have you been to London? Every 2nd car in London is a Range Rover / Porsche Cayenne / BMW X5 & thats with a $16 per day congestion charge ... In the U.K 4 in every 10 cars sold are S.U.V's not to mention a bunch of other facts so I don't think all your green talk can be aimed exclusively at americans.

  39. As the previous poster said, they have made it a huge issue in the UK. And in Germany and several Scandinavian countries recycling is pretty much obligatory.
    Yes, Europe's got a huge way to go and it's not an exclusively American problem, but at least some of the rest of the developed world are trying to address the issue.
    Bush's ignorance (and interests in oil companies) is in no small way contributing to the destruction of the planet. Jacko's '(paedo palace' is grim, BTW!


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