Monday, September 3, 2007

John Wells Buys Hancock Park Mansion

BUYER: John and Marilyn Wells
LOCATION: S. Hudson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $11,000,000
SIZE: 9,676 square feet, 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms (main house)
DESCRIPTION: Exquisitely renovated, landmark, HP tennis estate on extraordinary lot. Behind gates w/ 6 br, an elegant statement of uncomman refinement. Exceptional flrpln. 2sty entry & sweeping strcse, breathtaking LR w/ marble FP, antiquie hand painted paneled FDR, wide hall galleria w/ port entrance, piine paneled library w/ FP & lavish eat-in country kitchen/FR overlooking lush grdns & dining loggia. 12,000 bottle wine rom, 2br self contained staff apt, 2 sty pl pavillion w/ br, kitchen & ba. Sparkling pl & spa.

YOUR MAMAS UPDATE: Your Mama originally thought this house had been purchased by Tobey Maguire (see here).

However, this house was in fact purchased by uber producer John Wells and his wifey Marilyn who are moving from a lovely Spanish Style house in the Laughlin Park area of Los Feliz.

Your Mama hears the Wells' house, which was once part of the Charlie Chaplin estate and later bought by the legendary filmmaker Cecil B. De Mille who used it as a business address, was sold for just over $6,000,000 and was never officially on the market. We also hear the new owner is another bigwig in "the bizness" named Mary Parent.

We are going to refrain from discussing and picking apart the interior details and move on to other celebrity retreats and hideouts.


  1. Being the traditional gal I am, I love, love, LOVE this house! The furniture, the grounds, everything about it. It's totally my style. Gorgeous!

  2. I love the house but am curiously underwhelmed by the furnishings, which are, oddly, my typical taste. I feel like it's a hotel. A dated hotel.

  3. Ridiculously overpriced nice house.

  4. Gorgeous house. I am so in love with it.

    Very traditional, love the kitchen and bedroom photos. It's much more livable than many of the houses I see on here. I can picture a young family actually living here and staying here for years.

    I agree $11M is ridiculous, though.

  5. nice neighborhood.
    tennis courts are like fireplaces, gotta have it, never use it.

  6. Oooooh Mama, I like this house. The interior is only one notch too fussy, but so light for what you would expect to be a dark house. I know it would be greedy to want to see a floor plan.

  7. Love HP.Have seen nicer homes in that 'hood.Interior is old school...and a tad busy.Fly ass landscaping.Still HIDEOUSLY overpriced.

  8. I can only assume that the L.A. wealthy are playing a game of "THERE MUST BE A GREATER FOOL THAN ME".Indeed the rich are playing a different R.E. game than the rest of us...but how many newly rich FOOLS are out there?A 300% MARK-UP ON A HOME BECAUSE SPIDERMAN LIVED IN IT?Then he turns around and pays 11 for a beautiful but still hideously overpriced home? Most of the posters on this wonderful blog are probably now smirking down their noses at my observations.Just enlighten me as to how this makes any sense.

  9. value of the dollar is one of the first things to go, when huge sums of dough are easily made

  10. sole pole, not at all. It is a game they're playing in the L.A./Malibu market, fueled in no small measure by a parallel game of irresponsible fiscal policy which has doubled our national debt in 6 short years. When the bubble bursts, quite a few are going to be left holding the bag.

  11. I have to laugh at people moaning about prices .... Move to London & see what your money gets you here ... then you'll realise you have it quite lucky across the pond

  12. I know "if only"... but hell, I looked at huge houses in HP 10 years ago and they were hovering around the one million mark- places like this one- maybe not completely renovated. I bought in BH instead- my place has quadrupled in value but nothing like this.

    Just curious though, I spoke to a security expert who did our house and he said that HP isn't such a great neighborhood- lot's of break ins and police response is dreadfully slow. Anyone else hear of this? I was told it's an easy mark for crime because of it's location- crimes of opportunity.

  13. Anonymous 11:07 AM, apples and oranges. What costs a certain price in one part of the country can be quite different in another. London compared to other parts of the UK is no different. And we are discussing not moaning, thankyou very much.

  14. There seems to be a couple from other countries that get off playing superior.

  15. Now, now boys (?), remember what Mama told us about starting international incidents while she was gone. Sideways smiley faces all around. :)

  16. A den mother too now - please say it ain't true

  17. "London compared to other parts of the UK is no different"

    HaHa ... Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard -You should be in comedy - London is many times more expensive than other parts of the U.K - London's the most expensive city in the world when it comes to sqft.

    "There seems to be a couple from other countries that get off playing superior"

    How is comparing prices 'playing superior'? get a grip! ... Everyone was complaining about the Hancock Park property being overpriced ... & the general L.A market being overpriced ... I was merely trying to explain that real estate in L.A is cheap compared to other cities ... $11M in London sometimes doesn't even get you a 2 bedroom apartment ... Angelenos should be thankful for what their money gets them - it could be worse, a lot worse.

    P.S - I live in N.Y so technically I'm not from 'other countries'

  18. I'm only going to say this once. Anon @ 1:40 PM, you are becoming increasingly confrontational and insulting. You've done it to several people here including so_chic and myself, and I've observed others telling you to chill in the past. I don't know where you came from, or what's going on with you, but if it dosen't stop, I for one will be following nancypants out the door. Not to suggest that anyone would miss me. Just sayin'.. this is total bullshit.

  19. I don't see what's wrong with comparing prices around the world,we live in a global economy more than ever now.Pricing is all about location,the right location in the right city period!It's interesting to talk about worldwide property values too.One of the things keeping the New York market so hot right now is that to Europeans it's a bargain,so is Los Angeles when you're paying in Euros and Pounds.

  20. I bet it's that old crank that used to blog here under the name of 'sierra' or something, who claims to have homes in Sierra Towers and NYC, and always knows better than everyone. Sure sounds like her.

  21. Mama is right the place needs to be made a little younger and that hotel furniture has to go.Other that that this is a beautiful house in a lovely part of Los Angeles.

  22. Phoenix, I would miss you, at least I know who you are when you post. How can you tell the "anons" apart? Not that it matters, unless one hides behind "anon" to attack others. I don't think I've ever been called a den mother before. I think I like it!

  23. Doesn't Rob Zombie live down the street?

  24. Appart from the furnishing, this is a very family friendly house.
    It looks professionally staged.
    Overall, I like it.

  25. Auntie, it's anon's writing style, repeated use of certain key words, and quick to criticize nature that stand out to me. Go back inside the last Paris post, and notice the use of multiple short paragraphs that total lengthy replies. The clincher today was combining that with use of the word 'moaning'. Anon labled me a moaner in that diary the day before yesterday. I'm not complaining by the way; you asked. I couldn't care less when I'm criticized if I know it's unjustified, but have a problem watching someone go after others repeatedly. That bothers me. Lastly, I'm also academically anointed and board certified in one of the behavioral sciences ;)

  26. I have to agree with Phoenix with the aggressive nature of this anon. There is no need to call us "poor" people moaners.
    Btw I used to be on anon, but I finally figured how to get a nick.

  27. Prices in Hancock Park can reach and exceed what this house sold for. Yes, 10 years ago one could find a HP fixer for 750k-1m. You could also then find a *nice* HP house for 4-5m. HP is like any other neighborhood, there are great streets and ok streets and some (IMHO) downright crappy streets.

    To the poster who asked about crime, HP is not an actual city with it's own police. It is simply a neighborhood of Los Angeles (in fact, the LA Mayor's Mansion is in HP). So residents are either stuck with LAPD or hire private security (most do the latter).

  28. Here's the link to an L.A. Times article about a skilled burglary crew working that general vicinity.

  29. While I found that article interesting, it is NOT about any communities in the "general vicinity" of Hancock Park.

  30. $11 million dollar house still can't take that wife of his half way to attractive.

  31. Anon @ 4:57 PM, so sorry. To me Bel Air, Bev Hills, Hancock Park, Los Feliz, etc. comprise a general vicinity. I give up. Adios all. I'll try not to let the door hit me in the rear on the way out :)

  32. And no Dr. Correcto, I'm not an idiot. I draw a distinction between an immediate vicinity and a general vicinity. I've also gotten into the habit of considering general geographic L.A. areas in terms of the color coded MLS Listing Map since this is a real estate blog. Chow

  33. I also know you're the attack Anon who is cleverly changing writing styles since I exposed you. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

  34. caveman said...(can't remember my g/d password)
    how can queens have such thin skin?
    i know 11 yr old girls who don't get this upset over petty shit.
    relax, just words & opinions.

  35. Uh.. No Phoenix, I'm not the person you were getting in a pissing match with. I've been posting here a long time and have my own writing style thank you very much. Sorry to burst your over inflated ego.

    And writing "phoenix" on your posts doesn't make you any less anonymous. Get a blogger account if you are going to bitch about others choosing to remain anonymous.

  36. Sincere apologies to everyone. Criticism trolls ruin things for me, and I guess it shows. It won't happen again. Best wishes.

  37. It's OK for 11 million. Certainly it would be twice that in a better neighborhood. Maybe that's all he could afford.

  38. something tells me phoenix isn't used to nasty queens and the games they play. you take care honey

  39. They better put a fence up around that pool...

  40. phoenix will be back as soon as he is done having his hissy fit

  41. Hi Phoenix

    This is the original Anon you have issue with & before you start - this is only my 3RD POST on this particular thread [some of us have lives & can't post all day]

    Anyway, I don't think it's up to you to be the forum moderator ... it's not your blog! If mama has any issues with certain comments then I'm sure she'll deleted them & have her say ... As for my previous post - I was only replying to comments that were made about my original post so i don't really see the problem - You perhaps should remove the stick from your @$$ though - kisses x

  42. P.S

    "Criticism trolls ruin things for me"

    Looking at the comments it seems that you're the one doing most of the criticising! So, I guess you ruined it for yourself ...

  43. Phoenix don't leave! I love your comments. I usually give feedback every day under anonymous, but I'm now inspired to make a name for myself - Virginia Girl. I love the global comparisons, too. My friend who lives in London says that for what she would have to pay for a crappy one-bedroom apartment in London could get you a 4,500 square foot house in my city in VA. Crazy!

  44. As Anon#2 criticized (attacked) by phoenix, I too am inspired to take a name but I will use with honor the name phoenix gave me - "Dr. Correcto", although you won't find me flaunting my degrees in front of the children.

    The link to the mls map shows the 6 mls regions that cover the roughly 4800 square miles that constitute the greater los angeles metro area. The single color area being referred to as a "general vicinity" is roughly 1.5 times the size of the entire city of Phoenix, Az. (515 square miles).

    Perhaps instead of attacking people for contributing to the conversation, phoenix could welcome participation of other readers who might actually be from the area and know what they are writing.

  45. How nice for Lloyd,how nice for Eve,how nice for everyone!

  46. Ugh, apologies for my bad southern accent. Before we leave this lovely house and move on to the Baldwins, I hope we all stay on board posting away, with or without names, no holding back opinions offered with pithiness and good humor, and remembering that thin skin can withstand anything if it is well moisturized.

  47. Tobey and Jennifer were married this weekend (Labor Day) in Hawaii. 'guess this is their honeymoon house.

  48. David Schwimmer lives across the street from this house. Also across the street is the offical residence of the Japanese Counsel General.

    I could be wrong but I think 11 Million is the highest price paid for any home in Hancock Park (ever)
    Anybody know otherwise?

    Recommend the new owner install some heavy duty security measures,
    i.e. Cameras....Also, subscribe to a private patrol, because you won't get much service from LAPD....unless somebody is actually firing a gun....

  49. Firing a gun or having a gun fired at you does not guarantee an immediate me.

  50. The grounds are nice but the house/interior, so-so.

  51. LAPD response to a felony in progress call averages 7-12 minutes. Of course that does not take into account how long it takes before the 911 operator answers. That can be anywhere from instant to 5+ minutes on hold.
    That's why private security patrol exists in Los Angeles. In Beverly Hills, you don't need them. The police come in 2-5 minutes(even if you report a dog barking or a real estate agent ringing your doorbell.)

  52. Interesting point about security. I'm sure that is one of the reasons BH commands the premium prices.

  53. RE: Tobey Maguire Buys Hancock Park Mansion.
    Just got off the phone with Tobey’s publicist who after speaking with him, categorical denies that he has bought this house. Publicists wouldn’t lie would they?? Over to you Mama

    From cynical bastard

  54. Married and moving on up to a crazy pad
    Spider Man Can do what? By a $11 million house!!
    The question is will he be swinging from the ceiling? Maybe not!
    I found the property data at:

  55. Somebody must have bought the place because I have seen moving trucks out front.....


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