Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rent the Governor's Getaway

OWNER: George Pataki
LOCATION: Lakeshore Road, Essex, NY
SIZE: 300+ acres
PRICE: $4,000
DESCRIPTION: Just a short walk outside the historic Village of Essex you'll fiind this wonderful farmhouse located on over 300 acres on Lake Champlain. Recent renovations have made this a perfect place for a family getaway or corporate retreat. The main house sleeps 8, add the Annex and the capacity expands to 15.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Your Mama has never been to the Adirondacks, but Molly Motormouth has. In fact Miz Motormouth, a friend and colleague of Your Mama, has intimate knowledge of the Adirondack region as her family has summered near Lake Placid for generations.

Turns out former Republican New York State Governor George Pataki has a thing for the rustic Adirondacks, where Miz Motormouth tells us the high profile politico recently purchased a 300+ acre farm fronting lovely Lake Champlain.

Motormouth Molly also managed to locate and provide Your Mama with a listing for the property which is, apparently and strangely, available for short term rental. What is unclear to Your Mama is the length of time $4,000 will buy you at the Pataki Farm. One week? One month? Anyone?

Pictures of the property, which includes private beach front as well as a private dock, are slim, but from the one available, it sure does look purdy. This is rustic simplicity and charm done correctly with a classic, elegant, and strict palette of green grass and white hydrangeas. Martha Stewart would be proud.

It's unlikely that Mister Pataki needs the income. So Your Mama wonders, why rent the place out at all?


  1. *sigh*

    What a dream house. Well, except that it's in New York.

  2. Nice house. 300 acres and waterfront. Sign me up!

  3. It's beautiful up there and filled with old money. I'd rent it.

  4. Upstate.................ughh!!!!!!!!
    Where the locals hate the second home owners from the city.

  5. No matter where you go the locals hate the second homeowners from the city. Ever hear the term, "Citiot", coined in the Hamptons.

  6. Pataki funk. No thanks.

  7. I guess it's an investment for him now, maybe a future retirement home.

    Looks lovely - too cold there during the winter, though.

    It's got to be $4k/week right??

  8. Beautiful house, lovely old charm. As an entrepreneur from the 'Dacks, I disagree with some of you. Everyone is always welcome with open arms. We're not crazy. We'll take your money, just like you city folks. Pretty friggin' cool, eh?


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