Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bizzy as a Bee

Children, Your Mama is bizzy as a bee today so instead of bitching and complaining to Your Mama about how lazy we are, why don't you go back and read some of our older discussions...there are hundreds to choose from.

We'll be back later today with more juicy homes, so sit tight babies.

Bye now.


  1. Nobody works harder on a blog than Mama!
    Thanks for all the juicy posts.

  2. Dear mama, a few weeks ago I found your weblog my surfing the net. I must say it's fab. Dear just a small small small thing. As I'm from Belgium and I don't always know the buyers our sellers. So when mentioning there name would it be possible to create a link with there photo our something like that. But for the rest only good things about your blog.

  3. Dear Jurgen,if you don't know who somebody is,or a place or a word,just google it!

  4. Jurgen... If the person buying/selling is an actor/actress or in the film business at all, they are probably listed at

  5. What? You have a life besides this blog? Gasp.

  6. Did you clear this with me?!
    Back to your keyboard....BLOGGER!!!

  7. Mama, when you're going to be busy and not posting it's sweet of you to let us know, but now, whenever we don't hear from you and you haven't alerted us, we'll have to start calling all the hospitals. Oh, and thank you for the little Roger Waters tidbit. I loved Pink. I love all the old rocker men. Led Zeppelin is doing a reunion tour with Bonham's son on drums. They don't make music like that anymore. I'm old.


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