Thursday, July 26, 2007

Paris "Pokey" Hilton is Outta There...

The Wall Street Journal reported today that reformed party princess Paris "Pokey" Hilton, who was recently spotted canoodling and smoking pot with schkeevee musician Cisco Adler, has put her house on the market for a whopping $4,250,000. Miss Hilton purchased the house on N. Kings Road in West Hollywood (pictured above) in 2004 for a reported price of about $2,900,000, presumably with money she earned from The Simple Life.

The ex-convict is currently shacked up at a dee-luxe ocean front rental on Malibu Road in, well, in Malee-boo of course. In the Wall Street Journal report, Hilton's aunt and unofficial spokesperson talked about how Pokey wants to move to a gated community, or at least a house with a long driveway, that will provide her more privacy and security than her current house, which sits right up on the street.

The Kings Road house was built with four bedrooms, but the report says that one of the bedrooms was converted to a large walk in closet–natch–and a second bedroom was converted to a security control room. A security control room? What in the world is that? Is that a safe room, or is that a room with a lot of close circuit television monitors that allow Pokey to see all corners of her property?

After moving in she redecorated the place with all sorts of 1940s glamour and glitz that makes Your Mama a little nervous. Check out The Gilded Moose's architectural review of the property which includes some slick and disturbing photos.

Your Mama scoured the world wide web, but we've yet to locate a listing. We imagine the information and photos will be tightly held by her real estate broker uncle Mauricio Umansky who has listed the house for sale. So any of you real estate agents who get a hold of the listing and want to pass it along to Your Mama, bring it on children.

Source: Wall Street Journal, The Gilded Moose, US Magazine
Photo: Pacific Coast News


  1. Smoking pot in public huh.. if true, then she fooled me. Quoting unidentified and unnamed 'sources' gives me pause for thought though, especially after reading in another rag earlier today that Britney supposedly bought the house in Pacific Palisades. Whatever.. her life.

  2. Do you have a problem with smoking pot? Richard Branson does it, he seems to be doing fine.

  3. she also coverted the garage into a closet- Nicky confirmed that.

    yeah, she wants a gated community, because she HATES to have her picture taken.

  4. What about rooms for all her pets? Even that biting kinkajou.

  5. I really like the house, I would buy it if I knew who to call!

  6. 1/2 of the house is a closet! ... as the other poster mentioned the garage is a closet - it's actually like a store ... at the house she always has 24/7 security / house manager so the security room is probably just their quarters & the house is jumping with cameras so i would imagine that this is also the central control room spying on the pesky paparazzi ... wonder if the stripper pole in her lounge is included in the sale?

  7. Anon @ 8:42 PM, nope.. like I said, her life. I do have a problem with people feeling themselves above and flaunting the law however, including our idiot President. If she gets herself in trouble again while on still on probation for doing something stupid like smoking pot in a public place, she deserves to serve out her full sentence in the general prison population next time.

  8. i always wondered why i never EVER saw her driving into or out of that garage. that would solve a lot of her pap issues!

    but now it all makes sense..


  9. Paris should buy in The Summit or Mullholand Estates. (gated communities). In The Summit, she can be neighbors with Brittany and Gwen Stefani. The paparazzi will have to park on Mullholand....instead of in front of her neighbors homes. Since they are already there for Brittany, it won't add to the already crazy scene outside the gates.



  11. She should buy Brit-Brit's house in the Summit since it is for sale too.

  12. Paris is asking too much for her house according to a site that values properties. She has it listed for 4.25 mill and the value is judged to be 3.75 it wouldn’t be worth more to me just because it’s Paris’s. Not to me
    I got the info from


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