Sunday, February 11, 2007

Today Is The Day of Rest

And we will not be bringing you fresh real estate pornography today. However Your Mama would like to take a few minutes to thank a man in Malaysia by the name of Peter for helping us migrate our site from a 2 column situation to a 3 column extravaganza.

Your Mama was pulling out what hair we have left and we was screaming at our bitches Linda and Beverly in such a crazy way they went up under the bed to hide. And don't you know, the Mister Peter had us calmed down and migrated faster than we can chow down a big sugar free lemon bar.

If you want to thank Peter for Your Mama or maybe need some help with your own blog, click on over here and give him a look-see.


  1. She's not Howard's wife, she's his girlfriend He won't marry her.

  2. We know hunny. Please read the last paragraph of that post.


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