Saturday, February 24, 2007

More Posh and Becks Real Estate Nonsense

Oh dear Lawhd children, will her search ever end?

Multiple reports last week stated The Spice Gurl had wrapped up her latest whirlwind tour of posh properties, left Los Angeles, and returned to Britain or Madrid or some other place.

However, Your Mama was contacted this afternoon by a shockingly well connected tipster in Los Angeles who tells us The Spice Gurl is in fact still in Los Angeles and hassling all the high end Beverly Hills agents to show her even more properties.

Our tipster alls tells Your Mama The Spice Gurl has dumped Barry Peele, the agent she was working with at Sotheby's, and has begun working with Joseph Babajian over at Prudential CA John Aaroe.

We also understand she looked at the Wendy Finerman house up on N. Faring Road in the Holmby Hills today.

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