Friday, February 9, 2007

La Lohan Update

Children of the World,

The LA version of the venerable Curbed real estate blogging empire was kind enough to link over to our story about La Lohan's condo sale earlier today.

And we're going to link right back over to their post about a rumor regarding Miss Lindsay's most recent real estate purchase.

Although this freckle faced babe is supposed to be in rehab, she is rumored/reported to have purchased a two bedroom condominium in the El Palacio building on Fountain Avenue. Yes babies, this is the very same building Marilyn Monroe once called home and the rumor/report claim La Lohan has even purchased the same two bedroom apartment in which Ms. Monroe lived.

However, we checked with an LA based source who would absolutely know about a purchase by this gal, and we were assured that Ms. Lohan has yet to purchase another property. In addition to the suite she often keeps at the Chateau Marmont, she is still leasing a place she calls home.

1 comment:

  1. hello linfdsay my name is julieta plese answer me to i live in argentina....


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